



Status: Complete

{(No.46)} Asparagus forced in French rolls

Take 3 French rolls, take out the crumb by
first Cutting a peice of the top Crust off
but be careful that the Crust fits the place
Again, fry the rolls Brown in fresh Butter,
then take a pint of Cream, the Yolks of six
Eggs well beat, a Little salt & nutmeg, stir
them well together over a slow fire, till it
begins grows thick, then have ready an
Hundred of small Grass, boiled, & put into the
Cream, fill the Loaves with them, before
you fry the rolls, make holes thick in the
top Crust, & stick the Grass in, that it may
Apear to be growing, it makes a pretty side
dish for a second Course,

{(No.47) } To make Walnut Catchup

Take the walnuts when they are fit for pickling
pound them in a Mortar, strain the Juice
through a flanel bagg, put to every quart
of Juice, a pint of Vinegar, let it stand, 4 days
then Boil it over a slow fire, to half the
Quantity, scum it a Little, put in some
Shallots, some spice & the peel of 3 sivil
Oranges par'd thin, then let it stand 3
weeks or Months Cover'd Close then boil
it & bottle it for use,
you may put in Anchove, & salt if you Please

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