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A medicine For such as cannot
hold theire Water

Take the pille of a boare & sett it in a stone dish in the ouen after a batch
of bread and dry it to powder: and bruise it uery small: then take a spoone
full of the said pouder: in a draught of posset ale or broth: morninge &
eueninge first & last for fiue dayes together:

A Medicine to strenthen the Backe

Take halfe a pinte of the kernells of hesell nutts: and as much of the
pith that goeth alonge the backe of an oxe stampe the nutt kernells in a
morter & as you stampe them: put in your pith untill all be beaten
very well together: then take two new laid eggs with shells and all
beate them into your eggs nutts & pith streyne them through a resonable
thicke cloth: then take 3 pintes of ale & 2 nutmeggs: one of them
prickt full of holes & the other cut in small peeces: boyle them in the
ale with six of the best dates & when they are well boyled. put in the
nutts with the Rest: and stirre it uery well: and keepe it from curdlinge
and soe drinke a pretty draught of it euery Morning

A Medicine For the Wormes in a Child

Take of Featherfew wormewood Leeke blades of each one handfull
shred them small together: & Quiltte them in a linnen bagge
as broad as a trencher: and then annoynt one side of the bagge with
this oyntment followinge Viz:

Take as much aloes succotrina as will lye one a groate and one spoone
full of wormewood seedes as much of the powder of Centery and one
spoonefull of hony & as much of the gall of a beast mingle all these
well together & annoynt one side of the said bagge therewith: and
apply it warme to the Nauell of the Childe: somewhat Reachinge
towards the stomack and soe lett it be Renewed euery day:

A medecine for wormes in young children

{Dr Langham} Take of mercuries dulces 12 graines Jalop powdered 6 graines mix
these together & take it in a spoonfull of milke fasting in the morning
& fast after it 2 howers

To kill maw wormes

stamp rosmary moistening it wth a little bear strain out the Juce
& take of it 3 mornings fasting

A receipt for wormes

Take 11 drops of the spirit of vitterell in a draught of bear for a man or woman
3 mornings together take it fasting

for a child of 10 years old not above 6 or 7 drops

for a child of 5 years old not above 4 drops

for a child of 3 years old not above 2 drops

A Glister for a girle

you must take a boyes watter newly made sweetened wth hony & put therin
2 or 3 drops of the spirit of viterell

A Glister for a boy

you must take of a Girles watter newly made sweetened wth hony & put therin
2 or 3 drops of the spirit of vitterell

you must be carefull how its given for it will burn any thinge that its dropt on


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