



Status: Complete


A Medicine to procure sleepe

Take a Rose cake put it in a platter with 3 spoonefulls of wmans
milke, of rose water and wine Vineger of each two spoonefulls
of the Juice of lettice henbane white poppy nightshade oyle of Roses
of each of them one good spoonefull boyle all these together
uppon a Chaffinge Dish and coales till all the moisture be drunk
up into the cake: then lay it one a cloth and grate one it the
powder of Nuttmegge and when the patient goeth to bed lett
him lay it uery warme all ouer his forehead & temples and
soe let it lye foure and twenty houres

A medceine to procure sleep & ease the paine
in the heade

Take the white of an ege beate it till it rise to a
froth then take the froth & put to it nugmege
grated mingelled it plaster thikenes & spread
it one a pece of rose cake or browne paper layd
to the tempels ouer night


A Medicine For the sciatica or a greate
paine in the shoulder or hippe

Take a pound and halfe shreded sheepes suyte a pinte of the grounds of
stale ale hemlock leaues mallowes chickinweede groundsill & smallage
of each an handfull bruise them a little & boyle them together lesure
ly toe the thicknes of a poultise & then spread it halfe an inch thick
one a Large cloth and apply it to the place greiued as hott as the patient
can suffer it morninge & eueninge: & before you lay to it this poultise
rub it and chafe the place before the fire with the oyle of spike: then lay to the
foresaid plaister and keepe it close to the place greiued

To draw out the sciateco from the hucle bone

Take mustard seed bruse it & comin seed of each a like quantity abut
a handfull temper them wth vinagar till it be as thick as a salve spread
it upon a peice of whit leather & lay it to the place grived at night
when you goe to bed & let it lye till the next night then lay on a peice
of new leather & make a plaister of it so doe 4 dayes together
& it shall draw out much watter & make it whole for euer by Gods

A rare medicin for the si[e]atica when they haue lost thir
limbs for goeing it cuered a fisher man & was told him by
a great phisitian because he was poor

Let the party take a pound of tobacka & take as many pipes of it
as he is able in a day if it be twenty in a day let him keep his
Chamber the more he take the better allthough it make him uoyolently
sick & drunk in his head this hath cured thos that haue had it 7
yeares in a fortnights tyme.


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