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To cuer help a consumption weakness
or leanness

Take 2 quarts of snailes fresh gathered & wipe them clean from
dirt & sand; & as you wipe them put them into an Earthen pan & lay
finill amongst them, till you have done all then cover the pann close
that the snailes cannot get out, & let it stand so all night for the snails
to purge; the next morning take the snailes out & wipe them again very
clean from the dirt, & as you wipe them prick them throw the shells wth
a bodkin & fill the shell as full of double refin'd sugar as you
can & as you doe them thro them into a bag ready for yr use & so let them
drop as long as any surrup will come through befor you put the snailes
into the bag dip it into rose water & it will give the surrup a pretty tast
wn it has dropt as long as you se it will put it into a botell to keep
it for your use doe not cork the botell, but cover it close wth paper:
you must take 2 spoonfulls in the morning fasting & in the afternoon about
3 or 4 a clock, this surrop has cured thos that have been given over by the

For a Consumptive distemper

you must take the best white methegline then take half a pinte of milke
& put it over the fire, wn it boyles take it off let it stand a little then put in
4 or 5 spoonfulls of metheglin & let it be turned to a curd so drink it
the last thinge you drinke goeing to bed & as hot as you can & in the morning
take a quarter of a pint of the metheglin & tost a little peice of bread very
hard & put it to the metheglin & let it stand till the bread be soft, then
take the bread & eat it & drinke the metheglin & walk half & hower or a
whole hower if you can, so doe this a fortnight together, & then you may
forbear for a weeks tyme, & after that you will find wt alteration it
makes on you so you may take it again as you find how you are,
you must not faill to take it euening & morning as befor directed

For a cough

Take a pound of hony & boyle in it a handfull or lesse of horehound
& scume it & put to it a quarter of a pint of maligo sack & so
take it often a spoonfull of it goeing to bed & in a morning

To stop a cough or cuer it

Take 3 nights together a penith of venus Treacle & it will
hinder your coughing, Mrs Conys electuary for a cough

Take 4 ounces of Raisons of the Sun stoned 4 ounces of brown sugar candy
4 ounces of conserve of red Rosses beat all together then put in 40 dropes
of Spirit of Sulpher 2 penith of Olibanum

her milk watter for a consumption

distill milk wth ground Iuey, put whit paper at the botom
& sides of the still to keep it from burning


A Medicine For a scald head that hath a
thick dry scab and noe Runninge scalde

First wash the patients head with warme cowe stale, then take old shooes &
burne them to powder: and take the ashes of them and mingle it with fresh
gaultes grease with a Little quick siluer being first well killed with
fastinge spittle and annoynt the patients head therewith

Another for the same

Take a pinte of stronge ale & a pritty Quantitie of black f Rosen
boyle them together then take as much fine white flowre tempered with
ale as will make it thick like a poultise boyle it well & put therein
a little uenis Turpentine & soe apply it to the head

Another For the same

Take the greenest glasse that you can gett & Beate it uery small &
sift it through a seine or cloth then take as much soote out of a
Chimney that wood is burned in & sift it fine, then temper these two
with as much butter out of the Churne unwashed as will make it
Like a salue and soe annoynt the parties head Morninge and euening

To cuer the head ach

Take some dropes of the Spirit of Lauender & rowle them in fin sugar
& take it this giues present ease

for a gidyness in the head

{Mr Bradfords receipt}

Take male piony roots 2 ounces peacoks dung made into fin whit
powder 6 ounces whit sugar 2 ounces mix thes together & tak a spoon=
full of this powder in a cofy dish wth tea or coffy or sage tea twice
a day


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