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A Medicine For the Leprosie

Take the distilled water of plantane and drinke a draught thereof
First and last for a Quarter of a Yeare

Another or for a scabed face

Tak scabious & make an oyntmt of it allso take the powder Inwardly & drink your drink
brewed wth it or the Juce & use the herb allwaise as much as you can wch tis said has done
great cuers

An approoued Water or powder to
further the Labour of women

Take the distilled water or powder of Dirander 2 or 3 spoone
fulls of the water and giue it to drinke in her Labour & of the pow-
der as much as will lye one a shillinge you may giue it in what
you please

A Medicine For one that is torne in childbed

Take one handfull of kneeholme & a handfull of senekell
and a handfull of sage of Jerusalem: & polipodie and a handfull
of Cumfrie: stampe them all in two Quartes of good beere and
boyle them, till it be boyled half away, then put in a peece
of Isingglasse and boyle it well, then streine it and Lett
the patient Drinke it continewally

An Exellent good medecein for a women
laboring with child

Take mugworte seeth it uery well in fare watter & plaister
it as hott as may be sufered to contieu uery long the nauell
& thighs of the womane laboring of Child it doth prouock
spidey Child beirth & after burden without any perill but
it must not be sufered to contineu uery longe to any part
of her bodey for if it doe it will cause the matrix to folow

Another for the same

Take hisop ueruoine & bettoney of each of them on handfull
stamp them uery well & smalle with olde alle & straine it &
wringe forth the iuce therof & let the woman that traveleth
drinke a good draught of it & it will helpe her presently
without any danger this hath been proued

Another for the same

Take pollipodum otherwise called oake fearne & stamp it
uery well then plaister it upon the feet of the woman that
travelleth with child & it causeth spedey beirth of
the child ether alive or deade this is a marvelos good

To further the labor of wemen aproued

Take the roote of the hearb called sowbread or other wis
called seiclemen beate it to fine powder & giue a small
quantety of it to the laboring women

the roote of contrey in fine powder giuen in surope of Cloue=
gilleflowers doth very much preauille


A Medicine For one that is thick of heareing

Take a good bundle of ground ashe and lay it one a wood fire and att the
end of the sticks will Runne out a Little oyle saue it in a glasse and
take a little black wooll of the udder of a black sheepe and dipp a little
thereof into the said oyle, and putt it into the eares doe this fresh euery
night for nine nights Together:

Another of the same approued

Take a pennyworth of Rye meale & a good handfull of
herbgrasse shredded uery small mixed wth your meale
make itt into paste, make 3 cakes thereoff putt one off
them uppon a fireshuole yw must not bake itt hard butt very
tender apply itt as hott to the eare as may bee well suffered
keepinge itt there 2 or 3 houres att least att night when yw
goe to bed & the next morninge & the next night apply the
other 2 cakes as before

A medicine for the hearinge when cold is
the cause of the deafnesse or noise in the head

Take 3 pints of water and one handfull of bay berry husks & a
handfull of Cammomile flowers of elder budds and fetherfew
of each a handfull bruise them all togeather in a Morter
then putt them into the water & boyle itt halfe away then
putt into itt halfe a pinte of white wine & soe putt it into
an earthen bottle putt a linnen Rage about the [e]dge of the
mouth of the bottle that it may nott burne your ragge Couer
your head very warme & soe lett the steame goe up in your
head soe longe untill the bottle beginns to grow cold and
when yw take away the bottle yw must stoppe your eare wth blacke wool
and the next morninge apply itt to the other ear & soe for a
weeke or fornight untill yw find ease

A fume for the head or for the hearinge wch
hath recouered many

Take halfe a pinte of muscidine & halfe a pinte of white
wine & putt them both togeather & putt into them a penny-
worth of saffron a little head of garlike a handfull of
Bettanny a little Rosemary a little brown sage an ounce
of the powder of bayberries, a handfull of bay leaues a
handfull of elder budds boyle them till the halfe bee consumed
use itt eueninge & morninge boyling & hott in a little narrow
mouthd bottle soe longe as the heatt remaines & soe us[e i]tt
for the space of a weeke

To helpe the hearinge

Take a handfull of duckes grease putt to halfe a spoonefull of oyle of ani=
seeds putt a little saffron ground very fine amonge itt & putt some 3 dropps of
itt into the eare a little warme when yw go to bed then stoppe the ear wth a little
blacke woole beinge taken from the codde of the sheepe


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