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for the falling sicknesse or conuolsions

{Dr: Langhams

let the child haue an issue made in his neck
let him be purged twice a week with a spoonfull or more of the
purging surrop of [suerey] with rhubarb given by it selfe or desoulued
in poset drinck

the Juce of rue strained & drunck frequently helpeth it
Take an handfull of Baulme halfe an handfull of rosmary
the like quantity of cowslip flower sweet fenill seedes piony
seedes of each being brusd a sponfull boyle all these in 2 pints
of faire watter to the wasting of a third part then strain it and
give 6 sponfulls of it twice a day swetened with surrop of
piony or puting therto 2 dropes of the oyle of ambar
In the fit give a littell of the Lady Allens watter with 2 dropes
of oyle of ambar rubing likewise the nose & temples with a drop
or 2 of the said oyle


To make a Suppository

Take a peese of Roach Allum make it Long Like a uiolet cumfitt dipp it
in oyle or salt Butter


Take a spoonefull of hony or more boyle it black in a Iron Ladle then
put to it as much hierapicra as a beane and twise as much salt
stirre them well together then take a trencher & annoynt it with
butter & put it one the trencher and make it up into a Rolle or twoe
for your use


Take a little castle soape & sha[pe] it to the fashion of a suppository
and use it att your pleasure

An aproued Medecine for the falling Siknes

Take of the powder of mistellto that growes upon the
oke as much as will lye upon a sixpence in 2 or
3 sponfulls of blake Cherey water for 10 mornings
& fast an hower or 2 after it & 2 dayes befor the
full & 2 dayes befor the Change as long as you fear the
fites untill the humor be spent

A medicine for the falling sicknes

Take a greate handfull of motherwort and boyle it in two quarts
of the stongest ale you can gett, till it come to 3 pintes then
poure forth a draught thereof into a cup and put therein as much
saffron as will lye one a three pence stirre it well together
& lett the patient drinke it bloudwarme, first & last fastinge an houre
after it and soe continew it seaven or eight dayes

Another for the same

Take of the singell pioney roott of the whit lilley roott
of the bay tre root that bears the berrey & of ashen
keyes the kernells of each a quarter of an ounce
after they are dryed & beaten to powder of brown
sugar Candy of Nutmigs & of Cloues the same quantety
beaten to powder without drying mixe all thes to
gether & take as much as will lye on a shilling
morning & euening in halfe a pinte of strong
beare & fast 2 howers after it you must take up
your pioney roote at the fall or spring


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