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An Ointment to bee made in May and noe
other time of the yeare

Take a pound of Redde sage one pound of Rue a quarter
of a pound of the softest budds of bayes & none of the hard ones
a quarter of a pound of Woormewood one greatt handfull
of Balme of Cammemile & dill of each a great hand=
full 3 great handfulls of feild mallowes picke all these
Hearbs cleane butt wash them nott att all by noe meanes then
mingle them together & weigh them & for the same weight
of Hearbs take the same weight of sheeps suitt first choppe
the Hearbs small & picke the suitt & choppe itt by itt selfe
& then mingle the Hearbes and the suitt together & stampe
them together in a stone morter untill yw cannot see
one specke of the suitt then take one pottle of neat footes oyle
the best yw can gett soe that there bee no water in itt &
then worke them all together as yw would a peice of doe
soe that yw cannott see no lumpe nor knott therein they must
be so wrought wth your hands then mingle all these together
8 or 9 dayes covered close then boyle itt ouer a gentle
fire & itt must butt bubble uppe doe so untill the Hearbs
be all cracklinge or dry take itt of the fire & streyne itt
hard & putt an ounce of oyle of spicke in itt and stirre
itt well & then putt itt up into gally potts for your
use itt will bee all the day a boylinge to the Right perfeecion
This ointment is good for to mitigate any paine
allso for a streyne to heale a greene wound and all
manner of bruises or streynes or all manner of
aches in any place wtsoewer tis good for any manner
of blasting or for the goute if itt bee applyed play=
ster wayes the longer yw keepe itt the better itt is
if yw keepe itt a 100 years

To make an Ointment for a R[inn]e that is [salt] that runns
from ioint to ioint allso to kill a Tetter

Take an oz of salda[m] as much Salarmonia as much Rotch Allum as the
quantity of a little nuttmegge burnt to powder 3 dramms of Camphir
powdered 4 oz of barrows grease as much white Copperis as a Hezle Nutt
beate your Saldam & Salarmonia Allum & Copperis very small temper
the barrowes grease & Camphyr wth them & in stirring of them together
putt halfe a spoonefull of white wine vinegar att the most to them then
worke them together putt itt into a pott itt will last a yeare when
your hands itch scritch them then wipe away the blood or
matter & thrice a day anoint the place greived


Too make the oyntment called the Lady oyntment
that is good for hott Causes

Take halfe a pinte of white wine viniger and a quarter of a pound of
letherge of gold beaten to fine powder put them together in a glasse
and stopp it close and soe lett it stand 24 houres, shaking it now and
then together, & if you would make an oyntment of it; take one scruple
of it and 2 spoonefulls of sallet oyle, beate them uery well together
till they be uery white, & then use it att your pleasure

A speciall ointment for any bruised place
shakinge of the hands or goute

Take 6 pound of May buttur fresh outt of the Churne well
beaten neither washed nor salted 2 pound of Capons grasse
that hath nott beene in water 4 handfulls of elderne flowers
2 handfull of scabius 3 handfulls of sweet Margarame
2 handfulls of Hysoppe of Rosemary topps & Cowslap flowers
of Masticke fine [?] & Cammeamile of each 3 handfulls
of Headgage 2 handfulls of Laverden cotton one strawberry
strings that runne on the ground one 2 of baline 4 of
Lavender leaues as much of the Lavender 4 of Parsly
2 of bedd fennill & a pecke of redde rose leaues the buttur
from the Curd then take all the Hearbs & shredde them very
small & worke them into the buttur then for the space
of 6 weeks sett itt ouer the fire to melt twice a euery
weeke stirringe itt about & stoppe itt close in some pewter
or earthen vessell butt before yw putt ouer the fire yw must stirre
the Capons grease itt well wth the buttur and Hearbs putt to it likewise these
particular things followinge one quart of the best Muskidine
2 oz of the best mace 1 oz of cloues 2 oz of Nuttmeggs all
beaten together as a foresaid then twice a weeke sett itt ouer the
fire lett itt nott boyle for 6 weeks together itt must bee stirrd
onse euery day then att the end of 6 weeks yw must puttt itt ouer
the fire & lett itt boyle for the space of halfe an howre & strayne
itt into a pewter vessell & lett itt settle in itt while itt bee cold
then take off the toppe & putt itt into glasses or gally potts and
when yw have taken of the best of the ointment then take the
bottom which will bee the dreggs of itt & putt itt into the
grease & lett itt melt togeather the wch dreggs & grease melted
[itt] togeather is good to rubbe a Horses legge that is foundered
or yw may giue itt poore people that is troubled wth Aches
This ointment will keepe perfect good 3 years


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