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A tryed medicen for a Consumption

Take a younge cocke let them him be well dresed & dryed wthin & wthout wth clothes, put into his bellye on good
pound of clene dressed curants on qurt of & ounce of [marow] on qrt of a pound of suger candye, then boyle
him wth all thes in his bellye, in on gallon of water after so done, take him out & beate all togethere in
a morter. till all be as a pultise then put that into the same liquor againe with a pinte of claret wine
& give them alltogether a boyle & strane all well through a cleane cloth & euery morninge fasting
take a good spoonfull of the gellye wth the yolke of a new layd ege rare, a litle warmed in a spoone
wth soume of the gellye & thus doe in the eveninge on & emptye stomacke: The sponnfull of gelly
cold will be 2 or 3 warmed. & so it must be taken:

A cullis for a consumption

A redd Cocke wth yellow leggs: pull him dry, cut him in two,
and take all things out of him, and use no water about him:
drye him cleane wth clothes; take the skin of his leggs; and crush
all his boanes, but not his flesh; soe donne put him into a strait
Mouthed earthen pitcher wth a handfull of harttongue, the rige beinge
taken out, one handfull of Bettanie that groweth in the wood; one
handfull of Liverworte, and pick itt, a sprigge of Rosmary,
and wash them all clean: and swinge them well in a clothe
and take a quarter of a pound of Licoras, scrape itt, and slice
itt, a quarter of a pound of aniseeds one pound of Rasens of
the sunne, the stones beinge picked out; and halfe Dates
with Capps on; take forth the stones, and white skinne, that is
betwixt the stone and the date, halfe an ounce of large Mace; one
ounce of Synemon, fower nuttmeggs sliced, and putt alltogether,
and as much Corell, Pearle, and Amber, as will cost twelue
pence in each, and beatt them to powder, and putt them to the
rest, wth as much old gould as yw please; and also three pintes
of Allegant, or for want of these: three pintes of the best redd
wyne yw can gett; Then take of a cake of course meall, and
tye it on the pott betwixt two clothes faste with a stringe; soe
donne sett itt in a great pott, hunge on the fire, full of water,
and kept boylinge, from fower a clocke in the morninge; till
eight at night, then take itt off, and let it stand, a quarter
of an howre, to coole before yw open itt, then straine itt stronglly
through a clean clothe (the gould beinge first taken outt) into an
other vessell; and then cast away all the ingredientes, Then take
halfe a pound of white sugar Candis, and beatt itt small, a spoonfull
whereof, wth two or three spoonefull of the liquor beinge putt into
a porringer, warminge itt, on a Chafendish: soe supp itt off, and
if yw haue an Unicornes horne, putt in a little every tyme.

A Culles for a Consumption

Take liuerworte hartstonge maiadenhare unset hisope of each a handfull
parsley finell Sucerey asparagus roots of each soe much as you can hold
betewen 3 fingers licorish a drame let thes boyle in a gallon of ruining
watter untill the uirtue of the hearbes be in the licorise then let it
rune through a siue & stand untill the dreges be setled then take a red
coke clansed & dresed & put into the blley therof of hartshorne & iuorey
shaved of each an ounce China roots slised halfe an ounes rasons of
the sune stoned half a handfull let them boyle untill the broth will gellow
then ade therto a pinte of Claret wine & soe let it simper a walme or 2
then strayne it & ade to that which is strayned 2 graines of ambore
grease one graine of muisk & 3 sponfulls of red rose watter sweaten it
with fine sugar take 4 or 5 sponfulls of this 3 tymes a day in the
morning fasting at 4 of cloke in the afternone & at night goeing
to bed


Take a pottle of aqua vita and 3 collet Leaves of Rosa solis
pick it cleane and put it into the aqua vita, lett it stand three
dayes & three nights together, then streyne it and put it
into a glasse Bottle, then put therein halfe a pounde of
dates sliced and cut into little bitts, halfe a pounde of the
powder of licorish, lett it stand three or fowre dayes then take
one spoonefull of it with a spoonefull of ale mor[n]ing & euening

Another For the same both to stay
the Cough and cleare the Longues

Take 3 ounces of old conserves of red Roses one ounce bare
bare weight of english hony, and one dramme of the spirrits
of brimstone, incorporate all uery well together, & let the
patient take of it morninge and euening as much as
an hasell nutt

Toe make the Jelly of hartshorne
for one that is in a Consumption

Take six quarts of Runninge water & foure ounces of hartshorne
steepe them together one day and a night with a little synamon
and large mace and a Little Is[e]inglasse, boyle them together till
it come to a Jelly and while it is in boyleinge put therein a
quarter of a pound of suger, drinke thereof first & last halfe
a porringer full

An exellent Receipt for a Consumption

{My Lady Cholmeleys

Take as much of this hearbe Rosa=solis as will fill a pottle Pott or glasse, wash it
not in any wise, then take a pottle of the best Aqua Composita of the first runninge, putt
them both in a large Pott or vessell, and lett it stand hard stopt three dayes & three
nights, and the fourth day open it, straine it through a faire Linnen Cloth, into a cleane
glasse, or pewther Pott. Put thereto a pound of Sugar beaten small, halfe a pound
of Liquorice beaten in fine powder, halfe a pounde of Dates cut in small peices
Mix them together all, and stop the Pott or Glasse, soe that noe haire can come into it
Then drinke to bedward halfe a spoonefull mixed with a quantity of good stale Ale, and
asmuch in the morninge fasting. The weakest bodyes wasted in Consumption (or otherwise
haue (by Gods blessinge upon this meanes) beene restored and made strong the
stomacke excellently quickned, In theire takinge they shall finde great remedie
yet it is still to be continued upon occasion for further strength. Probatum est.

They growe vsually on Bogges, b[e]utish, and wett places or Moores, and
sometimes in moist Woods; and flower in June or July, and then onely when the
Sunne and Moone are in Coniunction in Leone, are fittest to be gathered in cleane
gloues, and in no wise to be touched with the hand, least they loose their vertue,
lay them in a cleane baskett.

The dayes for this yeare 1647 are Iuly.22.23.

An exellent Receipt for a Consumption
or the leannes of the body by sicknes

Take a red cok & pull him dry & open him & take out his inwardes
& dry him with a fayre cloth then beate him & brust all his
bones & put him into an earthen pot & put to him halfe a pinte
of red rose water & a weagh of gold 2 or 3 dates a [b]it of mace
then close up the pot uery close with some past & set it into a
pot of boyling water & let it boyle 8 howers then open the
pot & let the liqure all rune from the cok then let it stand
& when it is cold skim of the fat you may take ether warme
or cold & take a sponfull at a tyme as often as you please


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