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A Medicen for the wind

Take a littell gett & dryed egg shell beaten to powder in a Spoonfull of
white wine, once a mounth

For the Colick

Take 3 cloves of garlike goeing to bed 3 nights together rowled up in
a litle buter or how they like best

For the ston an Excelent medicine

Take posit drinke 3 nights together made wth white wine &
boyle in it some Juniper berryes & after that take of the powder of
the stone called lapis Judaicus as much as will lye upon
a groat or sixpence it must be beaten very fine & sersed
& drunk in a glasse of whit wine 7 mornings together
every other day this has helpt thos so that they have never
been troubled after wth it.

For the Ston

Take a wine glase of Burdock leaves the symple watter of it every
morning for 5 or 6 dayes.

Another for the Ston

Take 4 or 5 spoonfulls of whit wine the juce of a lemon & a spoonfull
of oyle & drinke it for 4 or 5 mornings & fast 2 or 3 howers after
it you may take it wn you find pain or 2 or 3 dayes after the decreas
of the moon

for the wind

Take half an ounce of Calamus Aromaticus that is sound but because some
of it cannot be beaten to fin powder let 3 quarters of an ounce be beaten
severall tymes over & sersed into a very fin powder & let about a dram
of oring pill of the thin part of the out side be powdered allso mix
this wth twice the wight of fine loof sugar & keep a sixpence of old
mony in the box & give as much as will lye upon it of this powder heapd at night
goeing to bed & in the morning in a glase of wine alle bear or tea or any
thinge you like best & so continue it a mounth together.

My Lady Duglows Receipt for the Stone Watter

Take a peck of hawes very clean pict from leaves & stalkes a
large handfull of Philopendula, & as much parsley, pound them
in a stone morter untill the stones are broken then put to them 2 quarts
of Saxifrage-watter. distilled wn its just on seeding if it be to
be had, & 2 quarts of the best whit wine. let it stand all night
in the morning put to them 2 ounces quarts of new milk & so
draw it off in a cold still wth a moderat fire, mix the first
& last runing together & set it up for use

for the ston & colick

Swalow 2 or 3 [pattes] of fresh butter about the bigness of a nutmeg & drinke
a glase full of whit wine & fast till diner Probatum est


A powder for a woman that is licke to miscarey
by reasons of weaknes or frites or spraines or fludes

Take the stones of dattes dragons blude the Jaw bone of a picke
bolearmericke of each an ounce beat them all severally, of
red Corall on quarter of an ounce then waye of each equall
waight as aforsade then mix them together & give as much as
will lye upon a groate or sixepence in a mese of egge Caudel
or suga sopes or watter gruell for 3 or 4 mornings fasting
or longer if neede be probatum est

To preserve wemen from miscarigae

Take of dragons blude the waight of 2 pence of red Corall
powder a drame of ambergrease the waight of 2 barly
corines of East Indian Beser 3 barley Corins weaight
make all thes into very fine powder mingell them together
& keepe them in a close box & when you feare any
danger take as much of it at a tyme as will couer
a peney & rest quiet after it take it fasting in
some mace or broth alle or att night when you goe to bed or
att any tyme as often as you feare or suspect miscarige

Another for the same

{thes tow
are my

Take the tredelles of 9 nuw layd eges as much Crimson
silk diyed in graine very smalle cutt, as will lye one
a 6 pence it must be shaved Sleaved silke tow sponfulls
of red rose watter the 3 parte of a good nutmige grated
a litell sugar beate thes all together take it when you
feelle your selfe not well & lye downe to rest if you cane
it must bee taken 3 tymes in the morninge it is best &
by gods helpe it will helpe you with out faille.

A Stringthing Elixtorey to be taken in any
Weakenes espechelley upon feare of miscareying

Take the consarve of the flowers of arckangells of Clarey of
each of these 2 ounces magistere of Corall white amber
in fine powder of each one drame & a halfe hartshorne
prepared owne drame with the surope of Corall or mertilles
make it in the forme of an Elextuerey you may take
goeing to bed the quantety of a small wallnut the like in
the morning.

To Bring Throwes on a woman in travell when she is Spent & hath
not strength to bring forth a dead Child or after birth if her throwes have left her
it will cause throwes to come againe

Take auents a handfull boyle it in a quantity of Ale wth a littel oatmeall thin & when
it is well boyled thicken it wth the yoalk of an Egg that it be thinn & give the woman
a good draught to drinke warme it will bring her throwes againe, & if the Child
be dead it will bring it away if it be in peices, & the after birth like wise its a
safe thinge sweeten the Caudell wth sugar to your tast


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