



Status: Needs Review


The Lady Allens water Good
for surfett of meate small
pox feavers or measels

Take sage, salladine, Rosemary, Rew, wormwood, mugworth,
Pimpernell, Dragons, Benedictus, Scabious, Agrimony, Balme, Rosa solis
Scordium, Carduus Benedictus, Bettony Centaury, of every one
of these hearbes a greate handfull, The Rootes Gentian wth
Tormentill, Angellico of each halfe an ounce, of Lignum vitae
one ounce, of Liquoris one ounce, the Rootes of Sidery halfe an
ounce. Slice the rootes and wash these hearbes, then shalke them
and dry them in a cleane cloth then shread them and put them
into a gallon of the best white wine, lett the Rootes and herbes
steepe altogether in it two dayes & two nightes then still it
in an ordinary still. Keepe the strongest by it selfe wch must
be taken, at the findeinge of any of any of these diseases
above written at night when the party is laid in bed, fower
spoonfull milke warme sweetened wth sugar , the same quantety
of the latter and weaker runninge will be best for children
the sooner it is prescribed and taken is better soe if that
night they lye a little warmer then usually they did, it will
cause a temperate sweate.

To make a good water

{Dr Thoralds receiptes}

Take Bettony, Balme and Carduus and Celondine of each two
handfull infuse these twenty fower houres in a potle of the best
white wine and still it, preserve this in quart glasses close

To make strawbery water

Take 3 or 4 pintes of strawberyes, bruse them wth your hand
and soe still them. Distill resberyes in the like manner.

To make the surfit watter of red poppyes

Take as many Red popyes as you can well steep in 12 quarts of strong Ale,
put into it 4 ounces of anyseeds 2 ounces of corriander seeds 2 ounces of careyway seeds
rasions of the Sun stoney'd & figes sliced of each half a pound 4 ounces of lickorish
sliced your seeds brused let them Infuse 2 dayes & 2 nights then distill
them in an ordinary still.

To make stomach water. Lady Canarvans way

Take cloves, mace, nutmegs ginger of each a qter of an ounce Licoris Aniseeds
of each half an ounce cut & bruise all these take mint balm rosemary sage
Angelico Tamaris wormwood mugwort Carduus benedictus of each a little handfull
3 pints of whit wine 1 pint of aquavite pick & cutt the herbs put all these together
let them stand 24 houres then put them into a still in the morning and
still them with a soft fire the first bottle is the best the second wilbe the
smaller you must put into the Receiver half a pound of loaf sugar fine beaten


Cordialle watters

Take one quarte of aneseede watter & one quarte of strawbereies
picke your strawbereies very cleane & se that they be fresh
gathered & put thm wholle into the watter in a wide mouth
glase & soe keepe it for your use

To make chereis watter

Take a pound of blake chereyes & 9 pintes of claret wine
thn take 9 ounces of sinamand & 3 nutmeges cutt halfe
a handfull of balme & a quarter of a handfull of
margorom let thes be put into a still together & soe stand
close covered a day & a night beate your chereyes first in
a morter of stone stones & all close up your stille about
the sides with past make a soft fyer under it & let it still
att leasuer

A Receipt to make Balme watter

Take tow gallons of sacke one pound & a halfe of balme
cutt halfe a pound of licoras scaped & brused a
quarter of a pound of brused a quarter of a pund of
rosemary flowers 3 nutmeges brused let all thes parcelles
be steeped together one wholl night in your sacke & stilled
in your limbeck.

A Cordiall watter to be taken with Surope
of Clove Gilleflowers by any one that is sick
or faint

Take a pecck of Cowslipes & put to thm a pinte of Sack
& 2 nutmeges slised thine & let thm stand a night & a day
& soe distill thm in a common stille as you doe the Cordiall

to make saforon watter

Take tow quartes of stronge angellecoe watter & put halfe
a pinte a pinte of it into a litell glase thn take 4 peney
worth of Saforon & dry it & grind it tow powder thn put
it thn put it into the halfe pinte of watter stope it close
set it 3 dayes in a warme place shake it everey day thn take
halfe a pinte of damiske rose watter & 4 sponfulls of cardus
watter & tow sponfulls of barage watter & a quarter of a
pound of fine sugar put it into the 3 last watters soe let
your sugar & watters simper together close couered in puter
or stone that hath not been used till a fourth parte be con-
sumed thn take it of the fyer & let it stand till it be could
thn power this & the saforon in soe put thm alltogether & stope thm
close & open thm not in 14 dayes for noe cause
this is good to chere the harte & much against mallencolley &
uery cordiale

you may make it stronger or weacker of the saforon as you [ples]

To make Cinamond watter

Take 2 Gallons of sacke & steepe in it halfe a pound of
Cinamond breaken in small peeces & brused on pound of
rasons of the sune stonned one pinte of red rose watter


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