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An aproved remedy for a scald head
Take to a pound of May butter unsalted a quart of the strongest Ayle you can get & boyle it longe together till itt lookes very black and cut of the haire and anoynt itt all over where the scald is twice a day & this has been approved to be a certine cuer if you put in a handfull of wormewood shread & boyled wth it twill cuer sooner my Lady Husseys often approved

To make haire grow wch comes of wth any accedeint of Sicknesse or sore head Mrs Trusells receipt who has sold ye water for 50 shillings a pint & 30 ye lowest rate
Take stone horse dunge and draw it twice in a limbecke to a quart of this licqur take a quarter of a pint of ye oyle of extracted rosmary & such a quantity of extracted hony put these into a glase botell & shake them together for an hower together
ye oyle & rosmary us to be bought at a Chymist a dutchmans in high holborn neare grayes Inn feild this is to be distilled any tyme in ye yeare

For a Scald head or to cuer any scabes
Take a Breast of Mutton & rost it & bast it wth [tar] till ye mutton comes to be naught & dryed like a stick take ye moister out of ye driping pan & rub it up & down till it comes all to one body wth this annoynt thinly & let it dry on & scale off of it self night & morning adding ye quantity of a litle bean of [urine] sulpher to an ounce of this oyntmt, This receipt from Do: Willowby & much Commended by him

For a scurfe in ye head yt whit
boyle tar & fresh butter & tobacka together & a litle linseed oyle cut ye hair clos to ye head anoynt it well put on a cap & keep it very warm for 3 dayes yn take new milk boyle a handfull of Cammomell in it wash ye head warme wth it & anoynt it again & so tye it up 3 days as before this doe a fortnight together or as long as need requirs washing still wth ye milk & cammamile before you anioynt it & after you have done anoynting it keep ye partys head warm for a fortnight

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