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A drinke for thos yt have sore eyes or for clearing ye blood
Take a very good handfull of Scabious half a pound of Raisons in ye sun stoned half a pound of blue corands brused put thes to a galond of mideling bear & drink no other drinke this has helped many they must at ye same tyme if for sore eyes lay blistering plasters behind their eares

For Decay of sight
Take eye bright dryed and cut like tobacah & smoak it in a pipe & this hath marvlesly restored sight

For any Inflamations or Ruhme in ye eyes
Take white sugar Candy [futice] prepared each 2 drames Pearle prepaired one [Seraple] sarcoella each a drachm (sabean) prepared one scruple put thes into 2 ounces of red Rose watters & drop 3 or 4 dropes 3 or 4 tymes a day into ye eye & lye a litle after it upon a bed or couch if you will you may put a litle of ye Juce of Cellandine into it

for eyes yt are gumed up
anoint ye out [sig sd] side of your eyes wth an oyntment called ye oyntment maid of Tutil & Calamanaris a let none of it goe into your eyes for it will make ym smart you may have it at ye apothecaryes & doe it at nights wn you goe to bed

For ye Eyes
Take a candle & drope some of it into fair watter & anoint your lids wth it wn you goe to bed, & this hath helped

For sore eyes wn blood shot or sweled
Take a peice of raw veale & bind it to your eyes & renew it 2 or 3 tymes a day wth fresh peices of Veale as you se fit this hath cuered some yt have had sore eyes

An Electuary for a loosness
Take conserve of red rosses 2 ounces diescordum half a ounce venice treacle 2 drames burnt hartshorn 2 2 drames tormintell roots bole armerick of each a drame & half wth some nutmeg grated in it, of this you must take ye quantity of a larg nutmeg at a tyme

To stop a loosness or flux it has cured thos yt have gone 30 tymes a day Lady Husseys recipe
Take an ounce of old red conserve of rosses & half a drame of rubarb & put ye rubarb in fire shovell & dry it over ye fire till it will come to be beat into a fin powder & mix it well wth ye Conserve of rosses & ade to it as much powder of dryed [Safron] as will lye on a 3d take as much of this as a nutmeg wn you goe to bed & in ye morning fasting
And for your drinke let it be snaile watter wch you must make thus take 2 galonds of new milke & 200 of grey snails & prick ym & thro a very litle salt on ym to purge ym & put to it 2 good handfulls of spire minte & still it in a cold still & put powder of whit sugar Candy in ye botell in wch it drops

Take an ouce of Cloves & a pint of watter & boyle it till a 3d part is boyled away & strain it & drinke a good cup every morning

for gripes or a loosnesse
Take 3 ounces of Rubarb slice it into a quart of duble distilled Annisseed watter, let it stand [alewaise] upon it you may take 3 or 4 spoonfulls, wn griped 5 or 6 if vouolent, The best water is to be had at Captin Wards distiller on Snow hill ye longer you keep it ye better

for a loosnesse
Take nuw new milke & a pretty quantity of ye green Inner barke of oake & booyle it well together, & drinke near half a pint of it morning fasting & wn you goe to bed & if it stop it not at ye first take it once or twice in ye day tyme this hath helped thos yt have had it some tyme

For a loosnese
Take hartshorn ye shaveings & [Jumglase] about as much of either as will lye upon half a crown & boyle it in about a pint of watter till it comes to 3 or 4 spoonfulls then strain it of & let it stand till it is cold it will be a stife gelly then take a handfull of black berry leaves boyle ym in a pint of milk till they are tender yn strain ym out & disoulve some of ye gelly in it & take it morning & night goeing to bed

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