



Status: Needs Review

A Gentle purge
Take to 1/2 an oz of Cena halfe a pinte of springe water infusd cover itt close all night warm but not to boyle with about a spoonefull of bruised Aniseeds or Fennill seeds mingled with halfe a [race] of sliced Ginger in ye morninge strayn itt and then putt some 2 or 3 spoonefulls of sirrop of Roses to drinke itt
Some will in ye morninge give ye infusion of boylinge up [sudly] by 2 or 3 [cimprings] yt so ye strength of ye Cena may come out ye more
Allso some will for more strength of ye purge infuse ye Cena instead of water with ye decoction of halfe a pinte of ye Liquor yt hath some handfull of [Pruans] boyld in itt excellent for those inclininge to a Consumption
To cutt Fleame when ye defluction of a cold is over yt itt thickens allso to purge ye longs of ye sharpnesse of ye defluction itt purgeth ye gall which often can [seth] ye Jandise and many diseases helpes deiestion this taken springe and fall from Monsieur Lagoard who hath done much good by itt
In such an infusion as formerly only adde in ye infusion some oz of scrapd Liquorish beaten flat then when you take itt adde one dramme Saliprunella in powder so drinke 1/2 in ye morninge fastinge ye other halfe some 3 houres after dinner when ye stomach is empty
A little thinne broth is good to take in ye morninge after 2 houres takinge ye putge in this purginge yn may leave out ye ginger if yu will use this for 4 dayes in a weeke for a [ford] 2 night together spring and fall [tearinge each others] day if [titt worke a bone] 3 or 4 times in a day

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