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A good Poultice for any swelling
Take malows red rose leaves whit lilly root red sage shred thes & boyle ym in milke & whit bread & put some fresh grease to it & renew it twice a day

A good Poultice yt cuers sore breast or hard swelling making ym to breake & cuere wth out salves
Take a pint of milk or wt quantity you like a quarter of a pint of fine oatmeale a quarter of a pound of good fine bores grease half a spoonfull of Linseed oyle a quarter of a pound of hony 2 handfulls of cammamile shred small boyle all thes together well & then put in your cammile & then boyle it wth it alls your grease after yt & last of all your linseed oyle let ye grease & oyle boyl a littl together & lay this pultice on as warme as they can well bear it, & drese ye sore only once a day if ye sore be broke you need put on no salve to it for this pultice will ever it laying it on thiner & thiner

To make a watter yt cuers wounds & sores wth out plaisters
Take in May 3 quarts of new milke whey & let it be milk measure boyle it till it come to little more yn a quart & put to it a good handfull of oaken leaves & more be half ashen leaves ye first puting out yt lookes red a handfull of young Elmer leaves & topes of Briar leaves boyle all thes well together & some water creasses, boyle ym wth a quarter of a pound of Alum, & wn all is well boyled wring out ye liquour from ye hearbs & let it settell & so put it up for your use & wn you use it wash ye sore well wth it once in 24 howers this watter will keep 2 years

A pultice to break hard swellings
Take of cheekweed a litle, & silegreen yt growes upon walls, & whit lilly leaves & boyle ym in milk & then put white bread to it haveing shread your herbs small & put in a litle bors grease & to apply it twice a day till it be broke laid on a warm as they can bear it & if you se it doe not break in 4 or 5 dayes put in some whit lilly root to it

A very Soverian Oyntment for any Ach or payne Swelling or bruise or sore breast & likewise to make a Salve for of it for any Sore
To make ye Oyntment
Take parsley, Sage Smalidge, Arpin, Cumfry, Southernwood marygold leaves, Housleek, Valerin, wormwood Selfheal, Biteny, mercury Scabuous Herbgrase platine Ribb, herbe Benit Lyonstooth Backshorn, Take of every one of these 4, of the phisike herbwomens handfulls, & pick ye dry stalks from them, wash them very well set them a dreyning two dayes, & when they have stood ye full tyme, then swing them in a Cloth very well, then Chop them very Small & take 4 pound of fresh Butter out of ye Churne in May and put ye Butter & herbs together in a bottel, or Skelit, you must not let your fire be to hott, but keep them Stiring on the fire, & when they have boyled a good while, take them of ye fore, & take a Streyner, & two Earthen pannes, & streyn it into one, & as you Streyn it put it into ye other, & when you have done let it be could, & then take of ye topp & put it into an Earthen vesill, and Clarife it on ye fire & take what quantity you please for Salve, & keep ye rest for oyntmt, that which you make for Salve take Bees wax, Rosin & venus turpinten a like quantity of these 3 {ye was somewt more yn ye rest} being alltogether they must be as much as halfe ye Oyntmt, or better, which you make for Salve wch melt alltogether & Sumber a littel on ye fire & pour it into a galley pot, & it will keep 2 or 3 yeares, it should not touch any pewter or Brase, but ye beytell that boyled it, for it puterifyes it, this Salve is very good for old sores, or green sores, for paynes, aches or swellings the petient that is anoynted wth it must not anoynt themselves, but some other to anoynt them when they use it they must anoynt against ye fire, and lay a warme Cloth to ye place greived
{approved by Mary Langham}

A Receipt of Alderman Langhams wife of a seve cloth allmost for any thinge as aches swellings spreains soares, Bruses, cuts, To draw and heale if not an hot humour
Take 1/2 a pinte of salet oyle, 1/4 lb of red Lead sersed finly through a sive mix the oyle & lead well together, then set it on ye fire, allwaise stiring of it wth a flat stick while it is in being boyling & when it is allmost boyled enough ye lead will turne blackish And to know when it is enough try it thus by diping a peice of Cloth in it, wch wth your finger feel, if it stick not greasy when it is a littel cold if it doe not Cleave to ye finger of Bees wax, being cut ready in peices before wch put in as soon as ever you take ye oyle & lead of ye fire, stiring it till it be melted then dip your cloth in the aforesaid composition haveing a stick ready oyled to hang it to cook, while you dipe ye rest the hotter you dip ye [finne] Coalesed

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