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your cere cloth with be, & if you have much to [dyie] as the stufe [cortes] in diping you may heate it againe, but not let it boyle, so soon as you can handle ye CereCloth, before it be neare Cold it must be stretched out between 2 by ye fire yt all places may be alike

For Jackings in the Body Isues a good plaster
Take Beeswax 6 ounces Venus turpentine 3 ounces Cinaber beaten of fine powder & mixt with a llittle Salladoyle half an ounce of Minium 3 ounces & half Orras finely beaten half an ounce of musk 2 grains mixt with a little rosewater Let all these be melted together till they be incorporated & be sure it do not boile then dip yor cloth in it (any thin linen Cloth fit for that purpose then oyle it with Sallad oyle & smooth it with a slikston on a plain board

To cuer ye Itch
First take brimston & milke 3 or 4 mornings together to draw it out then take about half a pound of unsalted butter or wash ye salt out of it very well & put to it a good quantity of flower of Brimston & powder of allum & ginger & some sope & make it into a salve & put some powder of peper into it & put to it to take away ye smell some powder of nutmege or a nutmeg grated & 2 or 3 spoonfulls of brandy & anoint your self well all over wth it befor a good fire for 3 weekes every night & anoint Espectily ye Joynts wher you find it most & wear one shift all ye tyme let it be a bad one yt you use & wear thread stockings becase they may be washed, & let your lining you wore before be well scalded & blecht for they are apt to Infect again, you may if you will warm your bed wn you goe to it this hath cured thos yt have had it 12 mounths, & take after it some purging phisick to Clear ye blood, & at a mounths End take clean sheets & air ye blankets well befor a fire & if winter hang ym allso out in ye frost & warm ye feather bed very well wth [Colles]

Take roach allum & steep a good quantity in as much watter as will wet your shift & wn it is steeped a night or more then dip your shift & let ye watter dry in wth out much wrig wringing out & wn it is throughly dry weare it a week or more & yn doe another so & weare it so doeing till you find ye itching gone let it be an old shife for it will stain

Take ye watter yt smiths quench their irons in & wet your self all over morning & night befor a fire so doe till you are well

Do Lowers dyet drinke to clear ye blood for ye Leporsie & Itching distempers
Take a pound of dock root & as much dandelion 3 handfulls of harts toung 3 handfulls of Elder flowers half a pound of Antemony crud broke into peices ye dock roots must be dryed & sliced & ye dandelion dryed then put thes into 4 galonds of small ale & drinke no other drinke put ym in wn it is working & as soon as it is clear drinke it if you please put in ground rue 4 handfulls

For ye Itch
Brimston & sweet butter & mary gold flowers & tyme boyle all together & make an oyntment & strain it & anoynt ye party therwith

To make a watter to kill a [fefer]
To a quart of Runing water let it boyle to a pint take 2 ounces of Rock allum half an ounce of whit coperas & beat ym both to powder severally, & boyle them half an hower or better in ye watter

To make a Cooling oyntmt
Take marygold leaves housleek alehoof & plantin leaves boyle them in fresh butter & strain them

To cuer ye Itch
Take ye roots of red dock roots scraped & sliced & boyle a good quantity of ym in cream & so anoint ye party wth it wher it troubles ym or all over & allso let it be done morning & night & wear ye shift a week & allso [tun] up bear wth this dock root & drink of it 3 weekes let ym be suer wn they begin this way of cuering ymselves they lye wth none yt have it or yt any yt have it wash thir clothes wth them or for ym to wash ym or yt they wash any ones clothes who have it also it will be good to wear other clothes yn then wt they had for clothes yt are wearing constantly doe carry ye Infection in ym or let ym be well washt allso if they cannot have new lining to put on let thir shifts be very well washed & boylved & bleatched for want of observing thes rules makes many not find a cuer if any person yt is troubled wth this disease doe live near ye bath or can well goe it is one of ye best remedies can be used for it for ye avoynding this disease it were good to wash every ones clothes apast, for in great familyes some or other may [chaned] to have it if they must lye wth any one being children let ym allse use ye oyntmt wth them & drink ye drink it purifies ye blod let ym at ye first take half a pint of ye drink & if they find it worke above 3 or 4 tymes a day let ym next day take a lesse quantity as they find thir streignth will bear but let ym use it 3 weeks or therabouts let ym keep warm while they are anointed & be suer to anoynt them selves warm befor a fire & if yt bear be not tow purging they may drinke no other drink for 3 weeks some use [Elecompany] as thos dock root

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