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for ye Kings Evell
Take barley meale tar wax oyle & ye urin of a young boy & it doth degest hard swellings in ye throast called ye Kings Evell

A dyit drinke to purge ye blood to cuer y Kings Eveill ye Lady Sr Barbars receipt
Take Monk Rubarb roots, four ounces, oswin roots, 6 ounces (wch is watter vern or veruin) 6 ounces, [east] harran harrow harrow roots 3 ounces: Reasans stoned of ye Sun, 3 pound: boyle thes in five galonds of Ayle worte, till one galond be boyled away, then strain it & wn cold, worke it wth yeast as you doe Ayle, & tun it up: & wn it has done working, put in ye bag of hearbs mentioned on ye side as be for directed.
This drinke must be ye Constant drinke for ye tyme it lasts, & must be drinke new & if in danger of growing stale while a drinking, bottle it up, all off when towards growing stale.
This dyet drinke has done good to persons in an ill habit of body, and to Children suspected to be subject to sharp humours & runing, as ye Kings Evill & fistulows or ye like
And a child yt had a breaking out twise yt was thought by ye Surgens to be a fistowlow humour: drinking this drinke Spring & fall for a year or tow never had any such swelling again: it had an issue made in its arme
The roots are to be had at ye Apothecarys & many of ye hearbs are to be taken in thir season & dryed for use, for they last but a litle tyme green
{The bag of hearbs wild Angelico; Sanicle: Mugwort; Wood betony; Scabiuous: dandelion; White botle leaves: Arck angelflowers: Ribwort: Bugles: Plantain: Comfry: Avaris: Worm wood yt grows in a march: violet leaves: strawberry leaves: whit wild dayses: Take of each of thes leaves a small handfull cut ym & put ym into a bag wth a waight in it tyed at top: & fasten the string to ye bung; yt ye bag may hang in ye midle of ye vesill of drinke ye bag of herbs is to be put into ye vesill of drinke wn it has done working}

good agt Poyson
The roots of Spyderwort tuned up into new ale & drunk for a mounth together Expelleth poyson allthough it have unusuelly spread it self throug out ye body

To cuer a scald or burn
When it is just burnt let ye first thinge you doe to it be to beat 2 or 3 whits of eges & 2 or 3 spoonfulls of ye best salit oyle & beat ym well together till it be pretty thick & then anoynt ye burn all over wth it with a feather & so keep it wth this to be wet till you can get ye folowing pultice made for it wch must be thus take a pint of milke or more if it be a larg burn & take a litle handfull of housleeke & chickwood and leaves & some of ye Inward rind of Elder & of muline & chickwood and ground Juey or ale hoof as much of each of thes as of ye other then shred ym & bruse ym smal & boyle ym wth ye milke & smal oatmel keeping them continually stiring puting in 2 or 3 oynions pounded smal then drese it again wth ye oyl & whit of ege & aply this pultice to it as warm as they can bear it & so renew ye pultice fresh twice a day, it must be aplyed so long till ye humor be turned to a thick corruption & then anoynt it still wth ye whit of ege & oyle, it will probably need ye pultice but 3 or 4 dayes then use ye salve called Basilicon wch may be had at ye Apothecarys & spread a plaister yt is singed ye cloth of it, all over biger then ye sore & so keep y[t] one plaister only spreading a litle new after you have wiped all y[e] Corruption off from y[e] plaister, & so keep this plaister on once a day, after once in 2 dayes may serve, this pultice & salve has done great cuers by Mrs Pocoke you must rembr to put in some mutton suett into ye pultice or mutton [dryine]

A whit oyntment Excelent for scalds or burns
Take 2 peny worth of Litharge of gold, half a pinte of ye best oyle olive: half a pinte of ye best whit wine vinagar keep ye oyle & ye vinagar apart, & put ye letharge of gold first, reduced to a very fin powder into a bellmetle skilitt, or such a thinge but it must never come near a fire stir it wth a silver spoon, first put a good spoonfull of oyle to ye letharge of gold & stir it half a quarter of an hower then ade as much vinagar till all is stirred together it will be about 6 howers making stir it all one way at first it is about ye substance of cream, but grows stifer after
This fetches out ye fire immediatly & cuers wth out a scar good for all sores
Exelent for any swellings cancurous humours & fistolows, it searches to ye botom & then heales but change ye lining seldome if put to an old sore, I have heard it comended to revent scars of ye small pox wn they begin to dry & are all come out

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