p. 103
Cape encountered gale after gale
blowing right in the teeth. The Capt. & crew cursed the
wind that would not let them get on their
voyage. He was visited by punishment in
the following manner. He was condemned for
the rest of his life to beat against the wind
& endeavour to get round the Cape & never
to succeed. [Capt scored through] the story is current among
the sailors & it is said that if any ship chances
to sight the phantom ship, they are [Sure scored through]
afterwards sure to encounter a heavy gale
& be destroyed. The Capt. & I were talking
over the story the other night. & he says there
is often seen in these regions towards dusk a
shadow resembling a ship & what is in all
probability thereflection of a ship from
the other side of the horizon. So much
for the sailors yarn, & as we were
luckily only compelled to beat against
the wind one week, we could not complain
at that time the wind came fair & on
the second of April we got into Table
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