


Status: Complete

ank No. 5 2.

9. Did conception occur by choice or by accident? Indifferent -
though not deliberate choice

10. Habit of intercourse? Average number of times per week? About once or twice
per month? per year?
Note - First occurance - nearly a month after marriage.

11. Was intercourse held during pregnancy? a) If so, a) how often? occasionally
b) did you desire it during this period?

12.At other times have you any desire for intercourse? not initiative
a) how often?
b) At what times in relatino to your menses? earlier more prom-

13.Is intercourse agreeable to you or not? Yes - not necessary
Do you have a venereal orgasm? "
1. When you do, a)effect immediately aftewards?
b) effect the next day?
Note - Early morning -

2) When you do not, a) effect immediately afterward
b) effect the next day?

*Continence a few days before menstrual period
and at least eleven days after


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