Clelia D. Mosher Papers


Clelia D. Mosher Papers
The collection contains primarily correspondence, writings (published and unpublished), diaries, and biographical and genealogical material spanning the years 1886 to 1938. Correspondents include Ray Lyman Wilbur, William H. Welch (President of Johns Hopkins), David Starr Jordan, and Havelock Ellis. Six bound volumes of her notes, reports, and charts, Hygiene and Physiology of Women, can be found in box 3. Volume "X" of this series, known as the Mosher Sex Survey, has been republished as The Mosher Survey: Sexual Attitudes of 45 Victorian Women (edited by James Mahood and Christine Wenberg. New York: Arno Press, 1980, 469 pp.).


All works are fully transcribed.
Hygiene and Physiology of Women Volume X: Sex Survey

Hygiene and Physiology of Women Volume X: Sex Survey

344 pages: 100% complete (2% indexed, 100% transcribed)
Milicent W. Shinn to Mosher, 1896-03-24

Milicent W. Shinn to Mosher, 1896-03-24

10 pages: 100% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed)
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