


Status: Complete

Blank No. 13 Series II. Borm B. 7

bladder trouble induced by use of catheter, bacteria caused
bladder trouble. f) weaned at one year. menstruated 2 or 3 days

18 - Did conception occur by [deleted]choice or[deleted] accident? 1) Not deliberate
choice, knew it would result.
2) deliberate, long hoped for, planned for, for 2 years.
19 - Habit of intercourse, average number of times per week? 1 on average
per month? per year?
about end of the week.
1st yr oftener) no special regularity [??] [??] [??] more sometimes less but [??]
average for a year = 1 pr week.
20 - Was intercourse held during pregnancy? If so, how often? not so[?] often
b) had you any desire for it during this period? usual twice in
month when period would have come. If slept alone never would desire.
21 - At other times have you any desire for intercourse? yes
a) how often? b) at what time in relation to your men
a) just before & after menstruation b)


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