


Status: Complete

Blank No. 15 Series II Form B. 6

12 - What knowlege of sexual physiology had you before marriage?
b) how did you obtain it? At 12 years my mother told me the facts about
menstruation, and the physiology of childbirth. I knew nothing of sexual
connection until I was perhaps 16 or 18 when I read about it in the
the text books to which we were referred when we studied physiology. A
few months before my marriage a wise woman friend told me about the
various ways of "regulating conception" in use, theories concerning the
sexual relations, etc., and referred me to one or two books on the sub-
ject. These books I read before I was married.
13 - Number of times married. If more than once additional blanks
will be furnished you to answer the following questions separately
in regard to each marriage? Once
14 - Number of years married? 6.
15 - Do you habitually sleep with your husband? b) what reasons
for so doing or not? Yes. We sleep together from the choice of both of
us and because of the companionship, rest, and pleasure which
come with our being together.
16 - Number of conceptions? 2.
17 - Number of children? State in connection with each a) date
of birth? b) sex? c) whether healthy or not? d) note any
characteristic and the cause. e) note either immediate
or after effect on your health of the birth of each of your
children. f) give time of first menstruation after birth
of each child. 2 children.
1st (a) April 4, 1889. (b) boy. (c) healthy. (d) Was unusually sensitive to noise during
his infancy which might possibly be due to my being much disturbed by noise in the apart-
ment house where we lived before his birth. (e) I noticed no material difference in my
health before & after. (f) About 10 or 12 weeks after borth altho' I nursed him.
2d. (a) April 15, 1893 (b) girl. (c) healthy (d) haven't noticed any. (e) none.
(f) about 8 or ten weeks although I was nursing her.


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