


Status: Complete

Blank No. 22 Series II. Form B. 6.

12 - What knowledge of sexual physiology had you before marriage?
b) how did you obtain it?
General knowledge based on several years work -
laboratory & other wise -, in zoology & physiology, & a good
deal of reading in my father's library. (He being a
physician). I think I never talked with anybody
on the subject except my husband.
13 - Number of times married. If more than once additional blanks
will be furnished you to answer the following questions separately
in regard to each marriage? Once.
14 - Number of years married? One
15 - Do you habitually sleep with your husband? b) what reasons
for so doing or not? No. 1. More comfortable alone as to bed-clothes & room....
2. Consider it more wholesome for my body to sleep alone.
3. To avoid temptation of too frequent intercourse.
How long after marriage did first intercourse occur? Ten days.
16 - Number of conceptions? One
17 - Number of children? State in connection with each a) date
of birth? b) sex? c) whether health or not? d) note any
characteristic and the cause. e) note either immediate
or after effect on your health of the birth of each of your
children. f) give time of first menstruation after birth
of each child.
One. (a) May 25, 1897. (b) Girl. (c) Healthy (d) -
(e) I had no local trouble, but great weakness owing
to prolonged labor, from which I still (3 1/2 mos) feel the
effect in gradually diminishing backaches,
which were very severe the first six weeks after-
the labor.


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