


Status: Complete

Blank No. 22 Series II. Form B. 8

22 - Is intercourse agreeable to you or not? After it has begun - yes. If too
long continued it wearies me.
do you always have a veneral orgasm? Never but once or twice.
1 - When you do? a) effect immediately afterwards?
Do no notice any. When she cares physically for it general sense
of well being and relaxation & inclination to sleep. If she does
not care physically for it is more high strung & nervous. If intercourse
is too much prolonged she ceases to care for it, & becomes more & more nervous
[deleted]b) effect next day?[deleted]
Do not notice any.
Effects if any are always nervous.
2- When you do not? a) effect immediately afterwards?
During the first six months of our intercourse I usually
felt wearied & "distasteful" afterwards, even when the act
itself had been very pleasant; those last two weeks when I
really enjoyed it I felt contented or physically at rest afterwards.
b) effect next day?
Do not notice any.
23 - What do you believe to be the true purpose of intercourse?
a - necessity to man? [deleted]I know nothing about it[deleted] From my own thinking I
have always believed that there was no more necessity
for it in a healthy, pure-minded,
& actively-employed man than for a woman of the same description,
as far as mere exercise of physical function goes. In the married condition[deleted]as to the reasons for it[deleted] my ideas as to
reasons for it have changed materially from what they were before
marriage; I then thought reproduction was the only object & that [??]
brought[?] about intercourse should cease. But in my experience the
habitual bodily expression of love has a deep psychological effect
in making possible complete mental sympathy & perfecting
the spiritual union that must be the lasting "marriage" after
the passion of love has passed away with years.
to woman?
b - Pleasure? In its right place and a minor purpose.
c - Reproduction? (Yes, main reason)
d - what other reasons beside reproduction are sufficient
to warrant intercourse?


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