


Status: Complete

Blank No.24 Series II. Form B. 7.

after first birth and increased a good deal in weight say 20 or 25 lbs. Was allowed to eat heartily the first three days and had a great excess of milk. My general health was excellent until my second conception.

Daughter, born Jan. 4, 1890. Apparently healthy and vigorous. Inclined to sleep more than first child. Very well until the fifth month when showed a decided [disarrangement?] of bowls followed by nervous [affectations?], later convulsions of light character, associated with teaching seemingly. the nervous system still so seriously deranged at two and a half that we decided there was no longer reason to hope [dentition?] was the cause. Finally took her to New York where she was operated on, her case being described as arrested cerebral development due to a too early ossification of the bones of the skull. She neither walked nor talked, and the operation proving fatal, she died at the age of 3 yrs 3 weeks. The first three months of the second pregnancy I suffered greatly from nervousness, nursing first child perhaps six weeks after conception. We have always wondered greatly if the daughter's sad development [were?] influenced by the sickness mentioned above or by prenatal conditions. Dr. [Hammonds?] of N.Y. said it was [not?] necessarily prenatal influence, that such change might occur in children much older and perfectly normal.

Son born July 9,1891. A large child (12 cm), proclaimed the finest new born child ever seen by doctor, [nurse?] and alas! undertaker. he had an obstruction in breathing and lived only 10 hours. After this birth I regained robust health slowly but increased rapidly in weight gaining 30 lbs in 3 months time.

18- Did conception occur by choice or accident?
I may say that first one did; second one did not and third by accident.

19- Habit of intercourse, average number of times per week? per month? Three or four. per year?

20- Was intercourse held during pregnancy? If so how often? (b) had you any desire for it during this period?
Very [rarely?] to both.

21- At other times have you any desire for intercourse? (a) how often? (b) at what time in relation to your menses
Generally desire preceedes and follows menstruation - always through fertile period.

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