


Status: Complete

Blank No.41 Series II Form B. 6.
12- What knowledge of sexual physiology had you before marriage?
(b)how did you obtain it?
Vague ideas from fellow pupils at school. My mother was a physician but refused to instruct me when I asked questions. I remember well the first time I asked a question which showed that I already had the idea that there was something shameful about child bearing. yet she told me I would read books about it when I was older, and I never asked again.

13- Number of times married. If more than once additional blanks will be furnished you to answer the following questions separately in regard to each marriage?
14- Number of years married? Over thirty years.
15- Do you habitually sleep with your husband? What reasons for so doing or not? Yes, for the comfort of it, and because it keeps us close together. I suppose separate beds are hygienic, but I believe people drift apart when they do not sleep together.

16- Number of conceptions? Five. I had one miscarriage between the first two boys, due to working very hard at the time of the illness and death of a sister's child, when I did not know that I was pregnant (6 weeks).

17- Number of children? State in connection with each (a)date of birth? (b)sex? (c)whether healthy or not? (d)Note any characteristic and the cause. (e)Note either immediate or after effect on your health of the birth of each of your children. (f)give time of first menstruation after birth of each child. (g)whether you nursed each child and how long.

No.1- Boy, February 11, 1884. Perfectly healthy very bright and active because I was perfectly well, travelling and studying abroad up [to?] the moment of his birth. Perfectly natural birth, caused me little pain, no anaesthetic taken, and with a month's rest as well as ever. Continued travels and nursed baby till about fourteen months old. Menstruated one month after weaning.

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