


Status: Complete

6.) During 9 months before [time boys?] had terrible itching of whole body. No sign of eruption on skin. Labor from Fri night to Sunday at 8am. Carried [boy?] downstairs at end of 10 days [interlocked?] children. [Boy?] had constipation ever since. Perfectly well baby - nursed. Had enough milk for two. Very [fitful?] baby. No sleep at night until 4 yrs old. ate and grew

[7.?]Miscarriage 1 yr after last boy. Brought [about?] by a shock at 5 months - [?] hemorrhage for 2 days. (Hair [turned?] white). During Spanish war, incompetent Dr. (?)
1- First year after marriage due to a fall. 2 months [alive?]

18- Accident
19- 3 to 4 times per week
20- Yes during pregnancy 2 times weekly possibly no desires
21- Occassionally - usually before
when feeling of well being - harmony
22- Not always agreeable
Not always has orgasms only occassionally,
when orgasm - relaxed - better next day
When no orgasm: [very?] nervous

a- Necessity, to man? yes. To woman? Yes
b- Pleasure - yes
c- Reproduction - yes
d- [Shock?] and destruction of all ideals. When a [pure?] woman so [treated?] by her husband as he has treated prostitute he has been to before marriage It becomes [?]

24- yes - douches cold
no effect on health
25- Ideal health when both had desire

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