


Status: Complete

Blank No.47 Series III Form C.
19- Habit of intercourse, average no. of times per week? Twice (except for during leucorrhoea). per month? per year?
20- Was intercourse held during pregnancy? If so how often? As usual. b)Had you any desire for it during pregnancy? Can not remember - but - think I probably have more than when not pregnant; as there was not the fear of conception present - which may account for any good health and good spirits during that period.
21- At other times have you any desire for intercourse?
a)how often? b)At what time in relation to your menstrual period?
So much[affection?] by chance influences [?], anxiety, fear, always a [?] to affection otherwise an offense, simply endured.
22- Is intercourse agreeable to you or not? (answered [before?])
Do you always have a venereal orgasm?
1-When you do - (a)effect immediately after (relaxed, sleepy, nervous,etc). (b)effect next day
2- When you do not (a) (b)
a matter of will, mostly, [?] [beyond?], absolute control,
Under ideal conditions relaxed and sleepy - and the next day filled with the joy of life - mentally and physically alert.
[I remain?] indifferent - there is no effect [on me?], But if not - [and?] - [?] the result is bad even disastrous, nerve wracking - [inbalancing?]

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