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European sense. The girls really dress up to the hilt in style (and they
know how to dress and how to carry themselves here much better than
American girls do on the average). And they took over the whole Liedenhalle
for the occasion the big concert hall had all the seats removed from its
main floor and was 2/3 solid with tables and 1/3 dance floor and
night on the edge of the dance floor (this under the usual location of the seats -a sort of sub
floor like in Madison Square Garden) was a 20'x20' rock garden
was a 14' high tree and a bubbling fountain in the middle! And
in addition to tables in the main concert hall there were tables all
around the huge foyer area on both the 1st and 2nd floor (with a
space for dancing on the 1st floor) and in the smaller concert hall
also 2/3 tables and 1/3 dance floor. Total attendance probably 2000
with each having a reserved seat a table! There were 3 bands
playing simultaneously in the large and small concert hall
and in the foyer and hourly entertainment by students in the
main hall (folk songs and dances from different lands some excellent
modern dance etc.). It was just so colorful and gay the bands were
terrific and it was great few just to sit and table and watch the
lovely and sticking gowns parade by. Sort of like a 3- ring circus
there was so much doing. We danced a fair amount too eventually
in the aisles because the floors were so crowded. OK and of course
We split a bottle of good (DM 11.00!) White wine between us. We
were sorry to have to leave so early as we did to catch the bus back
the dance began at 8 and lasted until 4 AM (they do it right here!)
but we had to leave at 1 AM. We walked out with programs and
little national flags from the table decorations under our coats and
had a tremendous cough as searched the bus upon realizing that
we never paid for the win! So it was a grand evening. And also
darling it goes without saying you were there with me in my
heart and dancing in my arms and I hope you can realize the

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