Pages That Mention A M Kollack
87 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sep 17 1886 Applications for Licenses Referred Joe Francisco, John Christ, John Collins, E J Powers & Co John Shepich, L V Schnyder, Oliver Bernard, Schwabacher Bros & Co, Frank Wilton, M & K Gottstein, Andrew Lunn, McMaster & Taylor & L Diller Licenses Ordered Issued John Heinrich Retail Malt 3 mos from Sept 4th to Dec 4th Mrs Jno Osborn Retail Malt 3&24/30 mos from Sept 7th to Dec 31 Jno Brannen Retail Intox 3&28/30 mos from Sept 3 to Dec 31 Davidson & Grubb Retail Intox 3&18/30 mos from Sept 13 to Dec 31 Feigh & Miller Retail Intox 3&11/30 mos from Sept 20 to Dec 31 Chas Ross Retail Intox 3&28/30 mos from Sept 23 to Dec 31 J P Tighe Retail Intox 3&15/30 mos from Sept 16 to Dec 31 The vote upon granting said licenses is a follows viz: In favor of the same Frink, Furth, Green, Hinckley, Lake & Reitze against none. Billd Allowed the following Claims against the city having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by warrants drawn on the funds as follows: Name Warrant# Fund Amount Remarks David Johns 1896 City 10.00 Removing Carrion Press Publishing Co 1897 City 1.00 Printing notice G Kellogg & Co 1898 City 1.00 Medicine for Prisoner D H Webster 1899 City 26.00 12 day services Policeman C A Craig 1900 City 26.00 12 day services Policeman Neuman & Argens 1901 City 13.70 Repairs to Police Office etc F Anthony 1902 City 8.25 Printing & Making order book etc [F H Thomson]] 1903 City 104.25 Services if Self & Assistiants on [Beach Road Bridge]] Britton & Rey 1904 City 77.80 Engraving Bonds & Ex Chgs N D Snyder 926 Fire 25.00 Salary Secty Board Delegates A M Kollack 927 Fire 1.50 Numbering Fire Alarm Boxes G Kellogg 928 Fire 17.25 Valves & Springs etc Wm Beattie 929 Fire 7.50 Repairing Hose Carts Neuman & Argens 930 Fire 1.00 Repairing nozzle L Miller 931 Fire 10.00 Hauling Engine