City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention C Beckman


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94 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 1 1886 Cemetary fund 1935 City 190.00 Ordinance No776 Transferred to Cem fund [total] 2168.85 E L McClallahan 1386 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets Daniel Moore 1387 Road 56.25 Labor on Streets Thomas Rock 1388 Road 58.05 Labor on Streets Phillip Cochrane 1389 Road 56.25 Labor on Streets Z Scott 1390 Road 56.25 Labor on Streets Luther Albee 1391 Road 51.75 Labor on Streets James Burke 1392 Road 50.60 Labor on Streets John Mahoney 1393 Road 42.15 Labor on Streets Charles Brown 1394 Road 56.25 Labor on Streets Peter Cunningham 1395 Road 55.10 Labor on Streets Oscar Young 1396 Road 56.90 Labor on Streets Stephen Berry 1397 Road 34.85 Labor on Streets John Cunningham 1398 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets A E King 1399 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets C Beckman 1400 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets W S Gass 1401 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets John Keenan 1402 Road 4.50 Labor on Streets [total] 673.40 C P Stone 1403 Road 32.50 Feed for City Team Gordon Hardware Co 1404 Road 6.15 Nails, Powder, Fuse, etc Chas McDonald 1405 Road 21.00 Repairing Tools J A McBeath & Co 1406 Road 6.70 Horse Shoeing etc Harrington & Smith 1407 Road 471.37 Feed for City Team G Kellogg & Co 1408 Road 3.00 3 Horse Liniment Young & McKeon 1409 Road 1.25 Sewer Pipe & Labor A Chilberg 1410 Road 11.25 Oats M Keezer 1411 Road 2.00 Use of Jack Screws A M Gilman 932 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr #2 W A Perry 933 Fire 75.00 Salary Engr #1 Chas & McKeon 934 Fire 2.00 Repairing Hose Cart G Kellogg 935 Fire 60.95 Coal Youn & McKeon 936 Fire 3.50 Stove Pipe etc Seattle Electric Light Co 160 Gas 135.60 Street Lighting Spring Hill Water Co 44 Water 250.50 Water for Sept A W Burrell 1429 Grant St Plank Road 3924.00 Grant Street Plank Road Contract

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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109 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE 1886 James P Tighe 1992 City 2.20 Wit Fees Justice Hill's Ct J M Colman 1993 City 8.00 Coal for CouncilRooms Sunset Telephone Co 1994 City 5.90 Telephone for Nov Lowman & Hanford 1995 City 17.00 City Printing R H Thomson&Asst 1996 City 144.25 Engineering & Assts G St P Rd D C Harris 1997 City 1.00 Recording Chg of Sale Neuman & Argens 1998 City 5.50 Repairing Revolvers etc F W Woodman 1999 City 3.50 Stepa for Powder House Albro Gardner 2000 City 8.00 Engineering on Union St sewer Dr E L Smith 2001 City 75.00 Salary Health Officer Purchasing Agent for E Lake 2002 City 11.50 Supplies for Engine No 4 Purchasing Agent for E Lake 2002 City 3.90 Dating Stamp for Treasurer James P Tighe 2003 City 3.50 Medicine for Prisoners [total]1589.18 E C McClellahan 1413 Road 59.60 Labor on Streets Daniel Moore 1414 Road 59.60 Labor on Streets Thomas Rock 1415 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets Phillip Cochran 1416 Road 56.80 Labor on Streets Z Scott 1417 Road 56.80 Labor on Streets James Burke 1418 Road 54.65 Labor on Streets John Mahoney 1419 Road 45.00 Labor on Streets John Sheehan 1420 Road 20.25 Labor on Streets Charles Brown 1421 Road 51.75 Labor on Streets P Cunningham 1422 Road 54.00 Labor on Streets Oscar Young 1423 Road 57.35 Labor on Streets Stephen Berry 1424 Road 58.50 Labor on Streets Jus Cunningham 1425 Road 24.15 Labor on Streets C Beckman 1426 Road 24.15 Labor on Streets W D Goss 1427 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets Jus Keenan 1428 Road 24.15 Labor on Streets Eugene LaPort 1429 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets N Macum 1430 Road 9.00 Labor on Streets Paatrick Welch 1431 Road 6.15 Labor on Streets Hugh Tierney 1432 Road 3.35 Labor on Streets Peter Person 1433 Road 13.50 Labor on Streets William Morris 1434 Road 4.50 Labor on Streets O F Soderberg 1435 Road 10.10 Labor on Streets [total]769.85

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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569 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE AUG 17 1888 Petition of D N Hyde & others for a sidewalk on the south side of Bluff Street from Light Street to Glover Street Read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of L Miller and others for extension of the Street Light Limits, read and referred to Com on St. Lights. Petition of Mill Street property owners to grade Mill St from South Fourth Street west to South Second Street so as to conform to the established grade, read and granted. the work to be done under the direction of the Street Commissioner. Petition of Frank Gumbert and Fred A Johnson for changing liquor license from Gumbert & Clinch to Gumbert & Johnson; read and granted provided a new bond is filed. Petition of Board of School Trustees of District No 1 praying the Council not to grant liquor licenses within two blocks of any school buildings, Granted. Petition of R Perkovits for permission to make certain alterations to buildings on Front Street occupied by him as a store. Read and referred to com on Fire & Water Petition of E F Adams for permission to build a brick yard on Court Street and take clay from said street. Read and referred to Street Committee. Petition of Peterson & Fahen for removal of obstructions from South 8th Street placed there by the Contractor on Mill Street, read and referred to the Chief of Police with instructions to notify the contractor to remove the obstructions complained of. Petition of C Beckman andothers for abatement of a

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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