1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

Pages That Mention L. Kempff

Box 251 YB YH reprimand stove 1874 to 1875

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quested to inform this office who has charge of Yaquina light-station; and whether it is true as stated in Mr. Goddard's report, that he is in the reception of $500??? per year; and also, if there is such person there - whether there is any objection to his assignment to duty as Inspector of Customs.

Very respectfully, ??? Naval Secretary.

Commdr L. Kempff Inspector 13 L.H. District Astoria, Oregon.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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Yaquina Bay - Pay of Custodian

One Enclosure.

October 18th 5


Enclosed herewith you will find a copy of a letter from the Honorable the Secretary of the Treasury, dated October 5th, by which the Board is authorized to pay Mr. R.A. Bensall, at a rate not to exceed $600 per annum for his services while in charge of the Light-House property at Yaquina Bay, Oregon. In accordance with this authority you are authorized to make the payment in question from the appropriation for salaries of Light-House Keepers. Funds for this purpose will be sent you. Please refer to this letter, by date, on the voucher, as your authority for making the payment.

Very respectfully, ??? Naval Secretary

Lt. Commndr. L. Kempff. Inspector 13th L.H. Dist. Astoria, Oregon.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1876. There can be no doubt that the draft of $508.69 mentioned by you is composed of amounts from the two different appropriations as specified above, and no further requisition from you will be needed. Separate and distinct accounts should be rendered of expenditures from these two appropriations.

Very respectfully, ??? Naval Secretary.

Lt. Comdr. L. Kempff Insp'r 13th L.H. Dist. Astoria, Oregon.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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Buoys at Yaquina Bay/Authority to pay cost of transportation

Mayt 22nd 6


Your letter of May 8th, requesting authority to pay the cost of transporting 2 first class buoys for Yaquina Bay to San Francisco, and suggesting that this service can be performed at the usual freight rates, has been received.

In reply I have to inform you that the authority asked is hereby granted, and you are requested to refer to this letter by date on your vouchers as authority for making the necessary expenditure.

Very respectfully ??? Naval Secretary

Lieut. Comdr L. Kempff Inspector 13th LH Dist. Astoria Oregon.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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Yaquina Bay/ Bill for Recovery & transportation of buoys

Sept. 19th 6


Referring to your letter of Aug. 18th, with enclosures, relating to recovering and taking to San Francisco two (2) buoys that went adrift off Yaquina Bay Bar, I have to say that although the bill is large, the Board is bound by the action of Comdr Snell in agreeing to pay for the transportation at freight rates by measurement, and you are therefore authorized to pay it provided it has not already been paid by the Inspector of the 12th L.H. District.

Very respectfully, ??? Naval Secretary.

Commander L. Kempff, Inspector 13th L.H. District Astoria, Oregon

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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