Pages That Mention Major H.M. Robert
1871-1872 keeper selection and LH building Vol. 336
Portland, Oregon August 19th, 1872 (Stamped) H.M. ROBERT, US Engineers. AUG 19 1872 Maj. Henry M. Roberts L.H. Engr. 13th L.H. Dist. Sir: In consequence of the unavoidable delays which have attended the construction of the Keepers Dwelling at Cape Foulweather Light House Station, I am obliged to ask for a further extension of sixty days time in which to complete the work.
Illegible stamp here???
Owing to the stranding of the schooner Elnorah at Yaquina Bay, the vessel I had engaged to transport my materials from San Francisco, and the inability of her owners to procure another vessel, I was compelled to make different arrangements for the transportation of my materials,