Pages That Mention Mechanics
1871-1872 keeper selection and LH building Vol. 336
Office of the Light House Engineer,
Chairman Light House Board,
SIR: In reply to letter from your office dated Sept 3, 1872, asking information relating to Cape Foulweather Lt Station, Ogn, I have to state that the Keeper’s Dwelling has been completed; the Oil House walls have been completed; the Tower Walls (Sept 30”) are built 22 feet above the lower floor; all materials (including Lantern, Lens, & c) are on hand or now discharging, except 23 lbs??? Bricks & 25 Bbls Lime, already ordered from San Francisco; a full force of Mechanics, Machinist, & Laborers are employed; and with average weather & no further delay from inability to secure Steam transportation (sailing vessel carrying materials to Foulweather again partially wrecked) the light can be exhibited on or before January 1st 1873.
Very respectfully, Your obedient servant Henry M. Robert Maj. Of Eng’rs & L.H. Eng’r Thirteenth District.