Pages That Mention W L Bowers
238 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 5 1887 For Custodian of the Powder House: Ed L Lindsley For Captain of Police A H Manning For Police Officer O D Butterfield For Police Officer Chas Robinson For Police Officer F A Fay For Police Officer Geo VanDyke For Police Officer P Farraher For Police Officer W M Jones For Police Officer J L McClellan For Police Officer W L Bowers For Police Officer D Phillips And now the Mayor designated the Committees of the Council and the membership thereof as follows: Judiciary } Chairman U R Niesz and } J M Frink Legislative} T W Lake
Public Buildings } Chairman C F Reitze and } Robert Russell Grounds } Robert Moran
Health } Chairman Joseph Green and } C F Reitze Police } Robert Russell
Finance } Chairman J Furth } U R Niesz } J M Frink
Streets } Chairman T W Lake and } C F Reitze Street Improvements} Robert Russell
290 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 2 1887 Name Fund No Amt Remarks E A Turner City 2479 40.00 Salary as Treasurer 12 days L G Gilman City 2480 100.00 Salary as City Attorney Lawrence Cummings City 2481 94.50 Salary as Street Commnr James Bogart City 2482 60.00 Salary as City Jailor James Bogart City 2483 132.80 Board of City Prisoners Wm Murphy City 2484 100.00 Salary as Chief of Police A H Manning City 2485 77.50 Salary as Captn of Police J L McClellan City 2486 65.00 Salary as Police Officer F A Fay City 2487 65.00 Salary as Police Officer Chas Robinson City 2488 65.00 Salary as Police Officer W M Jones City 2489 65.00 Salary as Police Officer O D Butterfield City 2490 54.20 Salary as Police Officer Geo Van Dyke City 2491 54.20 Salary as Police Officer W L Bowers City 2492 54.20 Salary as Police Officer D Phillips City 2493 54.20 Salary as Police Officer P Farraher City 2494 43.20 Salary as Police Officer James Miles City 2495 19.50 Salary as Police Officer J D Duncan City 2496 12.95 Salary as Police Officer M A Murphy City 2497 10.80 Salary as Police Officer J L McDaniels City 2498 10.80 Salary as Police Officer Jas Welch City 2499 10.65 Salary as Police Officer J W Hunt City 2500 8.65 Salary as Police Officer Fred Voight City 2501 10.80 Salary as Police Officer Wm H Hughes City 2502 5.25 Printing Stetson & Post City 2503 12.08 Lumber for City Jail G Davis City 2504 3.40 Tablets & Pens G Kellogg City 2505 1.50 Medicine order of Murphy Lowman & Hanford City 2506 48.50 Printing Blanks Press Pub Co City 2507 17.16 Printing M A Kelly City 2508 11.00 Medicines for prisoners H B Jones City 2509 17.70 Justice Fees J Caldwell City 2510 2.20 Witness Fees Gordon Hdw Co City 2511 1.50 Pick & Handle for Surveyor Sunset Tel Co City 2512 5.90 Telephone H Argens City 2513 1.80 Saw & repairs For city [total] 1336.94
306 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 7 1887 From Committee on Sewers and Drainage rejecting a petitionof F W Wald & others for a sewen in the alley in Block 39 of Maynard's Plat adopted Applications for Licenses Referred Henry Thompson Oliver Bernard Licenses Granted Alex Meister retail Intox from Sept 3rd for 6 mos Duffy & Bagley retail Intox from Sept 17th for 6 mos The vote upon issuing said licenses is as follows: In favor of same, [Furth]], Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz, Russell & Reitze.Against none. Bills Allowed The following claims against the City having been duly audited and allowed by the council aare ordered paid by warrants drawn on the several funds ad follows, viz: Nme Warrant# Fund Amount Services W R Forrest 2519 City 125.00 Salary City Clerk C W Ferris 2520 City 78.00 Salary City Deputy Clerk L C Gilman 2521 City 100.00 Salary City Atty E A Turner 2522 City 100.00 Salary City Treasur Laurence Cummings 2523 City 98.00 Salary Street Comn'r James Bogart 2524 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor James Bogart 2524 City 155.80 Board of prisoners Wm Murphy 2525 City 100.80 Salary Chief of Police A H Manning 2526 City 85.00 Salary Captn of Police J L McClellan 2527 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Geo Van Dyke 2528 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer W L Bowers 2529 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer Chas Robinson 2530 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer W M Jones 2531 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer F A Fay 2532 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer D Phillips 2533 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer O D Butterfield 2534 City 65.00 Salary Police Officer H A Bigelow 2535 City 30.33 Salary Police Officer D R Huntoon 2536 City 30.33 Salary Police Officer [total]1477.41
311 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 7 1887 J M Frink, Jos Green, T W Lake, R Moran, U R Neisz, R Russell Noes C F Reitze Police Force Discharges On motion of councilman Furth Police Captain A H Manning and Police Officers J L McClellan, Geo Van Dyke, W L Bowers, Chas Robinson, W M Jones. F A Fay, D Phillips, O D Butterfield, H A Bigelow, D R Huntoon, S H Webster and W H Lord are discharged from the police force and their positions declared vacant. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance relating to the Police Force and defining the powers and duties and fixing the compensation of certain officers of the Police Department " which is passed by the following vote, viz: In favor of same J Furth J M Frink, Jos Green, T W Lake, R Moran, U R Neisz, R Russell and C F Reitze. Noes none. Police Force Re-Elected The Council now proceeds to elect on Captain of Police and twelve(12) policemen. Councilman Furth nominates A H Manning for Captain of Police and J L McClellan, Geo Van Dyke, W L Bowers, Charles Robinson, W M Jones. F A Fay, D Phillips, O D Butterfield, H A Bigelow, D R Huntoon, S H Webster and W H Lord for police officers of the City of Seattle; no other nomination being made, the clerk is requested to cast the ballots of the Council of said officers and they are duly delared elected. Ordinances An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute a quit claim deed" which is passed by the following vote, Ayes Furth, Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Neisz, Russell and Reitze. Noes none. An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled
325 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Nov 4 1887 E A Turner 2580 City 100.00 Salary City Treasr' James Bogart 2581 City 60.00 Salary City Jailor James Bogart 2581 City 115.00 Board of prisoners Wm Murphy 2582 City 1.75 Cash paid for hauling Drunk Wm Murphy 2582 City 100.00 Salary Chief of Police A H Manning 2583 City 87.69 Salary Captain of Police H A Bigelow 2584 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer D R Huntoon 2585 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer D H Webster 2586 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer W H Lord 2587 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer J L McClellan 2588 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer Geo Van Dyke 2589 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer W L Bowers 2590 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer Chas Robinson 2591 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer W M Jones 2592 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer F A Fay 2593 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer D Phillips 2594 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer O D Butterfield 2595 City 72.76 Salary Police Officer O D Butterfield 2595 City 1.75 Cash pd for beef tea & milk A H Manning 2596 City 1.75 Cash Pd for sick pauper Seattle Transfer Co 2597 City 6.00 Transfer of sick N Soderberg 2698 City 30.80 Justice Fees H F Jones 2699 City 60.15 Justice Fees J Caldwell 2600 City 2.20 Witness Fees R Curry 2601 City 2.20 Witness Fees J McDermott 2602 City 2.20 Witness Fees Henry Lyman 2603 City 2.20 Witness Fees J Richardson 2604 City 2.20 Witness Fees Geo Washington 2605 City 2.20 Witness Fees R Graham 2606 City 8.80 Witness 9 Fees J Brannan 2607 City 8.80 Witness 17 Fees W B Spencer 2608 City 2.20 Witness Fees D Ferguson 2609 City 2.20 Witness Fees Lawrence & Hanford 2610 City 18.50 Printing Blanks Sunset Telephone Co 2611 City 5.90 Telephone Services Nov Cedar River Coal Co 2612 City 8.40 Coal for City Hall & Jail