Gold Rush Era Collections

Pages That Mention Crosby Lewis

Gold Rush Letters of Henry A. Parker

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I received the papers which Chas. sent me the 20th Feby. [February] also the ones which he sent the 5th & in return for them have written him, and will also send him some California papers. The Cultivator looks as natural as can be, and the Semi monthly Advertiser (or semi weekly I should have said) brought to mind the interior of the store when I was wont to find it regularly twice a week, then occupied by J. A. Tucker proprietor, H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]clerk, now occupied by Crosby Lewis with Chas (Charles) F. Parker for clerk.

I used then to think that Mr T. put a great deal of confidence in me & my doings, but I must say that Mr. Lewis places more in Chas. than Mr T did in me, but C. is honest and industrious & deserves the confidence of every one, having never done anything to injure his character, would that I could say the same of myself, although I know that I have yet got friends left at home & I think I have friends here. By what I wrote in my last letter you may see that Mr T. still entertains an "exalted opinion" of me, as least one would judge so, from what he writes.

But enough of myself -- henceforth I will leave my actions to relate the sincerity of my intentions of doing as well as I am capable of doing, as well as to prove it --

I yet hope to regain my good name and be an honor to you and our friends in general, which I think I can do, by forming good resolutions & adhering to them ---

Last edit over 3 years ago by California State Library
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I was glad you wrote me about Mrs Betsey Tucker and Mr. Samuel Chase, as Sam Tucker [Samuel P. Tucker] being here just now, I was able to tell him what you wrote concerning them. He was glad to hear that his mother continued so smart during the cold weather.

Then you wrote that Henrietta Parker was married about a year ago, which was news to me or else if I ever knew that she was finally married I had forgotten it ere now.

Then again you wrote that Mrs Sewell, heard from Abel P. Lawrence quite often, so I conclude that he is at present away from home although I had never heard of it before, and now you did not write whereabouts he is but merely said he was teaching school and getting $28.00 per month for doing so.

When you answer this, please write me where he is teaching.

Give my love to Charles and Harriet and remember me to Uncle Bradly [Bradley] and family and all others of my friends. Tell them all that I am well, and intend to come home sometime, if I can get there.

Sam, and Chas, do not know for a certainty when they shall start for home, but I guess not at present. Mrs Graves (formerly Miss Chapin) is living at Columbia and Louis C. lives there with them, Augustine (I believe I wrote you) went home about two months ago,)

Your loving son

H A Parker [Henry A. Parker]

[written vertically in left margin] Monday eve, Jany 15th I am as well as usual this evening. Sam. [Samuel P. Tucker] & Charles left here for Columbia this afternoon, all well. - I noticed a few days since, the marriage of Jackson Lewis, of San Jose, Brother to Crosby Lewis. --

Last edit over 3 years ago by California State Library
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