Gold Rush Era Collections

Pages That Mention Eli. W. Harrison

Gold Rush Letters of Henry A. Parker

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I find it to be impossible to find any one, who will take so much interest in one's business as a partner, and as Mr N. [Ephraim Noyes] is a good honest man, when he is here, and well everything goes along smoothly, and we are able to do more business, than when he is away.

I do not think Mr Noyes [Ephraim Noyes] feels perfectly well yet, but he appears to be much better than he was when he first returned from Oregon, and I rather think that if his health continues to improve that he will finally give up the idea of retiring home until another spring. Although I expect his wife wishes very much to have him return this spring, as she writes about being very lonesome, missing him very much, &c. which makes him feel as though he ought to be with his family, instead of spending his time in California. But after all, we are situated now I do not think he can do better than to remain awhile just as he now is. And I hope he will conclude to do so.

[written upside down on top edge:] I received a letter from Cousin Jennie. She writes that her health is not first rate which I am sorry to hear.

[written on left margin:] Eli. W. Harrison a young man who formerly tried with Appleton Lawrence, was here a few days ago. He works at farming in San Jose. He is well, but would like to be back in the town of P. [ Pepperell ]

H. A. P. [Henry A. Parker]

Last edit over 3 years ago by California State Library
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