City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention Cedar


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4797 Sep 19 1890 Adolph Krug et al for the planking of Front Street from Depot Street to Cedar Street and Kentucky Street from Depot Street to Harrison Street

Com'on Shuts recommmend petihow be painted and that the west half if street be planked Alonzo Hall claim F A Twiehell

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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GENTLEMEN: Your Committee on Sewers

to whom was referred the petition of Harry Daniels etal praying for a sewer from the intersection of Cedar Street and Depot Streets along Cedar Street to Birch Street and thence along Birch Street as far as practicable beg to report that we would recommend that a sewer be laid from said intersection of Cedar Street and Depot Streets along Depot Street to Birch Street, and thence along Birch Street one block to John Street Dated, Nov 15th 1889, F A Twichell Chairman. Harry White Committee.

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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598 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sep 7 1888 Remonstrance of B A Anderson and others against filling above the present grade at the intersection of Willow, Depot, Cedar, & Fifth Street read and referred to the Street Commission. Communication for Denny & Horton presenting claim against the City for Street Improvement warrants read and referred to the City Attorney. Petition of W H Hughes & others for the extension of the Street Light Limits read and referred to the Committee on Street Lights. Petiton of the Seattle Lake Shore and Eastern RR Co & others for the extension of Madison Street to deep water and the planking of the foot of said street read and referred to the Street Com. Communication from Wm Murphy presenting claim against the City for $534.80 read and referred to the City Attorney & Finance Committee. Communication for A E Greenus asking to be reappointed Inspector of Street Numbering read and referred to the Street Committee. Petition of Mrs Parkhurst and others protesting against the granting of a license for a saloon on Second Street between Cherry and Columbia Streets read and referred to the Committee on License & Revenue. Monthly Reports Recieved From City Atty read and ordered filed. From Chief of Police read and ordered filed. From Justices of the Pease Jones & Soderberg referred

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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Hon. Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle.


Preliminary to a request we have to make we bring your attention to the fact that the surplus water of the South part of Snohomish Co. and of nearly all the great county of King is gathered together at one point, the head of the Duwanish Valley.

White River by the color of its water testifies its origin among the glaciers of Mt. Ranier.

From Stampede Pass comes Green River and uniting with the White Black and Cedar rivers piles up a great flood that the Duwamish is unable to carry and destruction of property and desolation of the rich alluvial valley is the result.

A territory of 1500 Sq. miles, (larger by 250 S1. miles than R. F.) gathers the annual rainfall of about four feet and pours it upon us farmers mainly in the first four or five months of each year.

Last years exceptionally high water

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle, Washington:

Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are citizens and tax-payers of the City of Seattle and are interested in its welfare; that the rich bottom lands of the country surrounding the said city are now and at several times during the last ten years have been inundated and overflowed by waters from the Duwamish, Black, Cedar and Sammamish rivers and Lake Washington and that on account of such overflow the owners of said bottom lands are prevented from raising vegetables and garden truck thereon and the citizens of Seattle are obliged to send to California for these articles, and for this reason large sums of money are sent out of our city which otherwise would be spent here; that the water supply of the City of Seattle is obtained from Lake Washington, and at the present time the water is impure for the reason largely that the slough water from Lake Sammamish and river must, in going through Lake Washington to the outlet at Black river, flow past the "take in" pipe of the city water works; that if the low land between Lakes Union and Washington called the "Portage" and the outlet of Lake Union were deepened and widened so as to allow the passage of a large amount of water from Lake Washington to Puget Sound by this channel, the inundation and overflow of the hereinfore mentioned bottom lands would not happen and the vegetable market of Seattle could and would be supplied by home production; that the pure waters of the Cedar river would flow into Lake Washington and pass by the "take in" pipe of the city water works and the water supply of the said city of Seattle would then be rendered pure because of this and because the slough water of Lake Sammamish would flow out of Lake Washington by way of the "portage" and Lake Union and not come near the said "take in" pipe; that the accomplishment of these two objects, viz: a pure water supply and a home production of vegetables and table supplies would be of incalculable advantage to your petitioners and to all the citizens of Seattle.

Wherefore, your petitioners pray that such steps may be taken by ordinance or otherwise as shall assist the property owners of said lands and the County of King in widening and deepening said outlet by way of Lake Union, and your petitioners will ever pray.

F. R. Nauteyl R. H. Denny J. L. Schultz A. F. Tourvill Lee DeVries G. Elliot Pratt Frank E. Andrews H. B. Bagley L. N. Parfanter T. H. Dempsey T. A Noble H. L. Siger

R. S. Thorne G. B. Peavey J. R. Bean N. H. Latimer Wm McAchorn

C. A. Walsh W. W. Radcliffe Geo B Adair Leo F. Michael C. H. Teaff

F. H. Hardwiez Abner G. Gilmore Wm. Chistoken F. W. Smith J. R. Taylor

W. F. Wadleigh Frank E. Kovacks H Cowden

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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