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Pages That Mention Compound Spirits of Ammonia

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Benjamin Barton Smith notebook on materia medica circa 1796-1798. B MS b52.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 196)

(seq. 196)



Syphilitic virus. In Ozaina and some other scrophulous affections he has used it with much benefit. It has been highly praised in Rheumatism and Gout, hence the decoction is used verry seldom if ever. But the tincture is preferred, there are either simple or compound, the former is made by infusing the wood in spirits, & is seldom used, the latter tho known by the name of Volatile Tinct. of Guaicum is far preferable and if properly used will seldom fail, the following is the formula.

Rx Gum Guaicum ℥iv [4 ounces] Ammoniated Alkohol lbjfs [1½ pounds]

Digest well and strain, then instead of the usual dose of 1 teaspoonfull

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 413)

(seq. 413)


Materia Medica


although it suspends and alters the form of Syphilis it does not cure it. In gouty affections it has been much employ’d

Rx Spirits lbiij [3 pounds] Guacum ℥ij [2 ounces].

Dawson has recommended Guacum in different forms, but that of volatile tincture he prefers made thus

Rx Simp. Tinct of Guacum ℥ij [2 ounces] Compound Spirits of Ammonia Ʒivfs [4½ drams]. M.

Dr Dawson gave a larger dose of this than any of his predicessors for he gave it to the extent of Ʒij [2 drams]. Dr Cullen thinks the Guacum a dangerous medicine in gout. I have used the Guacum in gout and in Rheumatism but in doubtfull cases I exhibit the wartery preparation in acute Rheumatism I have used the following it is Burgesses Preparation

Rx Gum Guacum ℥fs [½ ounce] Gum Arabic Ʒij [2 drams] Sach. Aba Ʒfs [½ dram] Aq. Font ℥X [10 ounces] M. fit. the dose is two table spoons full at a time.

I am informed by Dr Heuston of this City that he found the Rubeg Ferri verry usefull with the Guacum and Red Pepper in Dyspepsia among the prisoners in the cells these patients were troubled with costivness. My form of Exhibitting it here is

Rx Sach Alba Ʒij vel iij [2 or 3 drams] Gum Guacum Ʒij [2 drams] Gum Arabic Ʒij [2 drams] Aq. Font. ℥X [10 ounces] M. fit. the dose is from two to three table spoons full twice or thrice a day I colica Pictonum I have employ’d it advantageously in the above form, it operates as an univerlal [universal] stimulant. Dr John Fothergill has also

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
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