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Pages That Mention Amaurosis

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Benjamin Barton Smith notebook on materia medica circa 1796-1798. B MS b52.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 435)

(seq. 435)


Materia Medica


poceed [proceed] from cold and from fevers when there is a congestion of blood in the brain. I believe it to be owing to an increased sensibility in the organ of hearing, it is I think curable, Blisters applied to the Mastoid Process, cupping, and bleeding from the arm, Purgatives and flannel nightcaps are all verry usefull. In this species of deafness Linneus thought the Errhines more usefull than anything else. In Gutta Serena they have been found often usefull, this is frequently an incurable disease and is proved by dissection to be sometimes owing to tumors pressing upon the brain and optic neves [nerves]. Mr Ware in this disease has used a stimulus of a Mercurial Nature composed of X grs. [10 grains] turbith Mineral and I have employ’d this and found it usefull in one case, in another in which it had a fair trial it did no good. It would seem these remidies were applicable to particular cases, where the disease depends on Syphalis no dependence is to be placed on Errhines. But in some species which he calls Amaurosis Plethora, in which he said the errhines did good, this kind of Gutta Serena arises from the suppression of the menses sometimes, and sometimes appears in pregnant women.

Particular Errhines.

Beta Vulgaris. Or Common Beet. This is mentioned by common

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 439)

(seq. 439)


Materia Medica


at present than they were formerly, snuff of the tobacco and indian turnip is said to be usefull in amaurosis, candour obliges one to declare that the use of tobacco does not appear unfavorable to longevity, numerous instances have been collected of persons who have arrived to an old age, and who had long been in the habit of chewing and snuffing, snuffing should be avoided by all those who wish to shine as public speakers as it is injurious to the voice.

Assarabacca. This is a most powerfull errhine and common about the hills of Pennsylvania and is called crowfoot and wild ginger, this is the basis of the Pulvis Stimulantorius of the London and Edinburgh Colledges. Dr Cullen says that grs iij [3 grains] of it is a dose and that four grains make a good snuff.

Squill. The common squill is a considerable errhine.

Poke root. The powder of the root of the common poke of this Country is also an errhine, the assarabaca, squill, and poke root should have been mentioned before tobacco.

Digitalis or Foxglove. The pulv. leaves of the foxglove are considerably errhine, and when apply'd to the nose occasion a discharge. I shall now speak of the more acrid and powerfull of this class of medicines.

Euphorbium Officinale. Dr Cullen says the more acrid the errhine of which this is one, are apt even in moderate doses to inflame the

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 441)

(seq. 441)


Materia Medica

Errhines Sialagogues

nose to a considerable degree. Mr Ware in Gutta Serena gave such a dose of the Euphorbium as to produce Hemorrhagy. I have employ’d it in cataplasms as a rubefacient. Mr Boyle has known it to cure two cataracts by giving it in snuff, he may have been deceived but this is not improbable it would act as a stimulus to the sympathetics.

White Hellebore. Is an extremely powerfull stimulant.

Helenium Autumnale. This is a native of the United States. In Virginia it is known by the name of sneeze weed, it has yellow flowers and comes forth in autumn. Apply’d to the nose it produces greater effects than the same quantity of snuff, it would make a good Medical Snuff.

White Vitriol. A solution of Vit. Alba snuffed up the nose is said to act as an errhine, but I have never used it, in my opinion these medicines have been too much neglected they have been found usefull in Incipient cases of catarrh, in tooth ache &c. Sneezing is often a favorable symptom in some diseases when produced by nature.

Sialogogues. By this term we mean such medicines as produce a discharge from the Salivary glands, they are divided into external and internal sialogogues, the external sialogogues are such substances as when applied to the mouth stimulate the glands and induce them to discharge, the internal are

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 449)

(seq. 449)


Materia Medica


but in summer this would melt and disengage a part of the mercury. Mr Delany proposed to rub the quicksilver and afterwards the hogs lard, generally Ʒi or Ʒifs [1 or 1½ dram] rubbed on the skin produces salivation in 24 Hours, but in some persons it operates sooner, it has been said that this medicine acts as well if it merely be spread on the surface of the skin, it is my opinion however that it must be carefully rubbed untill it disappears, the preparations of mercury which are formed by calcination were formerly esteemed by Dr Cullen. I have now to speak of the calcination saline preparations of mercury or its union with acid and first with the sulfuric acid.

Turbith Mineral. This must be given in small doses of from one, two, three, or four grains, when it is well prepared four grains is said to excite vomiting, formerly it was given to excite nausea it was also combined with guacum for the purpose of determining to the skin. I have already mentioned that I have employ’d this medicine in Epilepsy, and Gutta Serena and shall say more of it when treating of emetics. A child of five years of age will be puked immediately by two grains.

Corosive Sublimate. Is formed by Muriatic Acid and Quicksilver, this is one of the most important preparations, though Dr Cullen and some others do

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 637)

(seq. 637)


Materia Medica


advantage particularly in Gouty deafness.

Amaurosis. Or Gutta Serena. They are verry advantageously apply'd to the forehead. In scrophulous affections of the Lymphatic glands of the neck, they are verry usefull and should be renew’d upon drying up, they are apply'd to the part effected & I apprehend they act by exciting the action of the absorbents, they are proper in Scrophulous affections of the Eye brows. I shall say nothing of the use of blisters in fevers, but refer you to the professor of the practice of Physick on that subject.

Dysentary. They are apply'd to the Umbilicus [navel] and over the stomach and sometimes they produce a stool sooner than any cathartic Medicine we can employ.

Diarrhea. When gentle medicines have fail’d they are frequently advantageously employ'd, they are apply'd to the ancles and abdomen.

Hepatetis. Or inflamation of the liver, blisters are usefull, but of this I have spoken when treating of mercury.

Lucorrhea. In this disease I have seen them verry usefull. I attended a few years ago a female who was affected with this complaint, astringents were employ'd without effect. I then laid a large

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