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Pages That Mention Catarrh

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Benjamin Barton Smith notebook on materia medica circa 1796-1798. B MS b52.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 150)

(seq. 150)



by medium of the capillaries hence they were induced to use such medicines as evaluate this peccant matter through the pores and none were so peculiarly suited as Diaphoretics, but there is nothing specific in their operation here, and the particular requisite is to watch the state of the system.

Exanthemata. In this class of diseases when the skin is immediately the seat, their use is self evident, but if the skin is hot previous depletion is requisite and indespensable and will then readily affect a cure.

Profluvia. As Catarrhs, Dysentary, Diarrhea &c. In Dysentary I have succeeded in affecting a cure by flannel being worn next the skin, preparations of Ipecac were used

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 152)

(seq. 152)



half a century ago it has been emphatically called by Richter a rheumatism or catarrh of the intestines, and he used a preparation of Dovers powders. I think we have purged too much in this disease, one of the use of Purgatives being to increase secretions of mucus already too copiously effused from the follicles of the intestines. I have tried with the greatest advantage in combination of

Rx Ipecac ℈ i [1 scruple] Opium grs V [5 grains]

M. and made into ten pills of which give one every two hours. When the irritation has been verry great I administer anodoyne enemeta composed of such a portion of the ingredients as to 4 or 5 tablespoonfull of Laud with starch in the 24 hours.

Cholera Morbus & Infantum. I have used Diaphoretics with great advantage. In cholera Infantum it may

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 195)

(seq. 195)


Materia Medica


a tertian form and will yield to bark, the fever which sometimes accompanies it is a quartan; I believe there is not a fever of three days duration but what puts on a tertian quartan or remitting type. In this disease the bark in large doses is said to be efficacious, Catarrh is generally attended with inflamitory diathesis and bark of course must be improper in such cases. I have however seen two cases of it accompanying intermittant fevers, here the bark was of service. Dr Cullen says in this habitual catarrhs, dysentaries or weak perspiration and full action in the arterial system, he supposed a great accumulation must take place in the lungs of a fluid. Strengthening medicines, bark, exercise, &c. In every inflamitory infusions of the bark must be hurtfull. I go on to speak of hemorrhagy of red blood, this I have already divided into active and passive. I believe 99 out of 100 to be of the active kind. Epistaxis is one where bark is hurtfull. Dr Cullen though hemoptesis verry generally inflamitory and the bark hurtfull. Menorrhagia is almost always active and requires bleeding, digitalis, and the acetate of lead. Hoffman used bark in hymoptesis, and I agree with Dr Cullen there are

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
(seq. 321)

(seq. 321)


Materia Medica


treatment is by evacuants these patients bear bleeding verry well.

Catarrhal Affections.** (footnote back 1page) Is generally in the commencement with Phlogistic diathesis and therefore opium is improper, but when this is removed opium with antimonials are verry proper the cough succeeding it is kept entirely by irretation and therefore opium is the sovereign remidy,* (footnote back 1 page) the following is a verry usefull preparation of opium in such cases

Rx Tinct Opii & F. Camphor Ʒij [2 drams] Vin. Antim. gtt. 150 to 200 [150 to 200 drops] Extract of Gum Arabic ℥ifs [1½ ounces] Wine or Brandy ℥vj [6 ounces]

M. the dose is a tablespoon full, it often does good where opium alone would be injurious, we should increase or diminish the quantity of Wine in many cases.

Influenza. Dr Young thinks opium improper he says it relieved the cough at first but that its final effects were prejudicial. I have often prescribed a mucillaginous (substance) mixture in influenza with evident advantage, the opium in this mixture often does good when it would be prejudicial when given alone, the following is the formula for preparing The Paregoric. Elix. which I think is better than that of the shops

Rx Opium Ʒi [1 dram] Benzoin Ʒi [1 dram] Camphor ℈i [1 scruple] Spt. Vin. Rect. lbij [2 pounds]

in that of the

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(seq. 343)

(seq. 343)


Materia Medica


increased warmth of the bed, and clothes, the patient should endeavor to sleep in an erect a posture as possible, either sitting up or having the head of the bed elevated, he should always preceive himself as cold as possible.

Histeria. In this common affection opium is much recommended, this disease like Epilepsy often depends on a plethoric state of the system, and in such cases opium must be improper but when there are irregular feelings depending on the mobility of the system opium is proper. Dr Cullen however says that the frequent use of opium increases the mobility of the system, in those cases of hysteria depending upon the passions of the mind opium is usefull in large doses.

Palpitations of the Heart. Are sometimes owing to an organic affection of that organ, but it frequently arises from spasm, here opium is extremely usefull.

Asthma. Opium is sometimes injurious or when it depends on a turgessence of the vessels of the lungs, but in asthma of Spasmodic or Catarrhall affections it is a usefull remdy. I believe asthma is often an arthritic affection from observations in my practice. I know a Lady of a gouty family who has violent attacks of asthma, and nothing relieves her but the pain setting in her feet when the asthma leaves her, the same remarks apply to palpitation, this sometimes goes of in the form

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
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