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Pages That Mention Pinophyta

Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1766-1815. Benjamin Barton Smith notebook on materia medica circa 1796-1798. B MS b52.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

(seq. 585)

(seq. 585)


Materia Medica


been used to advantage in several cases of Dropsy, it is often Diuretic and increase the effect of the fox glove.

Cynara. Or Artichoke. The root of this is much employ’d in England as a Diuretic, and it is praised by Dr Cullen. Dr Wilson of England has lately published a treatise on it. I have not used it myself therefore can say nothing from experience.

Helliborus Niger. I have already spoken of it under another head, but it is also an excellent Diuretic. Dr Turner says they have often done good in Dropsies.

Gamboge. This is often used as a purge in Dropsies, and it also stimulates the kidneys.

Siliquosa. The whole of the plants are given as Diuretics in Dropsies.

Alliaciae. All of these are Diuretics and they appear in the urine.

Coniferae. These are also recommended and used as Diuretics,

from the Animal Kingdom we obtain two Diuretics, the first is Cantharides these have been used as Diuretics both in substance and in tincture. Hypocrates employ’d in substance, the Tincture is made by macerating together

Ʒij [2 drams] Canth. Cocchinel Ʒfs [½ dram] Spt. Vin. Rect. lbi [1 pound].

Dr Chalmers employ’d cantharides to great

Last edit about 2 years ago by Fudgy
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