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Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 2) 1855-1877



Queen's College 3d - 17th October 1855 The Senatus met and was constituted with prayer; Sederunt Revd. Vice Principal George, Professors Williamson & Weir

The Candidates for Matriculation having been examined on the subjects prescribed, the Senatus agreed to admit the following as students, viz: [margin] Students admitted to Matriculation

[left column] 1st Year Daniel James McDonnell Finlay McNab Edmund John Hooper Corydon J. Mattice John Agnew William McCuaig Donald John McLean Robert Drummond David Hamilton John C. Ihorn James Dickson William Craig Joshua Fraser

[right column] 2d. Year James Carmichael John May John Machar Donald McLennan James P. McPherson Duncan McMillan John M. Fraser James ebster George Porteous James Mullan Malcolm C. Galbraith

3d Year John A. McKenzie George S. Rose Donald Rofs John Livingston David Camelon

The Senatus revolved, that in future, in order to excite students to more thorough preparation and review of their past studies during the Summer, the competition for scholarships shall

Last edit over 2 years ago by Khufu



[margin] Time fixed for Competition for Scholarships [/margin]

shall take place immediately after the examination of Candidates for Matriculation who may present themselves before the first Monday after the commencement of the Session.

[margin] Hours as formerly [/margin]

The same hours of meeting in the several Classes, as formerly, were continued, as also the meeting for religious instruction on Sabbath Morning to be held at a quarter to Ten O'clock.

[margin] Application for Degree on behalf of Mr. Kay. [/margin]

An Application was made by the Vice Principal on behalf of Mr. Kay, Teacher of the Grammar School at Cornwall for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts. The Senatus requested Professor George to inform Mr. Kay, that, in accordance with the Bye law passed in a former Session, all Candidates for degrees are required to appear, and be examined.

The Secretary pro tem. was instructed to procure a New Minute Book

Closed with prayer.

Jas. Williamson Secy. Pro tem.

Queen's College 7th Novr. 1855

The Senatus met and was constituted by prayer Sederunt Revd. Vice Principal George, Professors Weir, & Williamson.

After the usual opening address, delivered by Professor George, the Senatus, having been fully satisfied with their examination of his qualifications unanimously conferred the Honorary Degree of Master of Arts on Mr. William

Last edit about 2 years ago by Khufu
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