Pages That Mention Dr. Alexander
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
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on Ritchie, McGibbon Rev. Faithful had lunch at "Rainbow" & then went to Struthers. Saws Dr. & Mrs. A. Dr. & Mrs. Struthers, Miss Greig Lucy &ce. Carr & I left & I went to call on Mr. Young. returned to portobello. 4th. August Had a dip in the sea after calling at Mary's - (Mary has 2 nice children) on coming up met Carr. Went & got out paton's boat. got it pulled in buy a bathing machine man. pulled up & down for 2 hours or so, it being a beautiful day. (Young Paton disagreable with his brother) landed & went to Thomsons to dinner afterwards went with Carr by Duddingston & called on Captn. & Mrs. Black walked back by park having
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gone over the hill. [Written above: took quarters at] Whites with Willie & Jessie August 5th. Dressed & went to Edin. to attend Alexanders wedding. Was kept 1/2 an hour later than intended by the non arrival of the Portobello train & so missed Carr. took a cab at the N.B. Station went to the "Clarence" for Carr found him gone drove to the Church (Trinity Church Dean Bridge) found the party assembling. Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Mrs. Tait Mrs. Heriot Dr. & Mrs. Struthers Mr. & [Struck through:Heriot][Written above: Miller John Alexander Lucy Allen David McGibbon Mary & Janie Renford Hindmarsh Dr. Brown Carr Annie Greig Geo Hughes Mrs. Allen M.K.Heriot Wm. Sanders M. Heriot L.A.Miller Mr. Faithful & Heriot John Allen Wm. Greig Alex Allen
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After Marriage Ceremony saw ladies to carriages & went to breakfast at Chandwick Place. Speeches by various parties. Dr. Alexander the "Wee Cooper". left after break fast & went with Mc.Gibbon & Penfold to Registrars & then to Mc.Gibbons office. waited looking at plans &ce. till it was too late to see Alexander & Lucy before going. After going to House took a cab with Penfold & Mc.Gibbon & went to Glasgow Station found the train just leaving saw them & said good bye. Went to Portobello dressed for Struthers party in the evening Went by train took Cab & called for Carr at the Clarence & went to Struthers party rather a pleasant evening danced
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with Annie Greig & Mary & Jamie Hindmarsh assistance going up Hill. "The Skedadler" "Brown & Alexr. Allen" independent excursionists. G.B. & Soda Water at top Old Johnstons Cellar in the rocks. returned by Hills to St Anthony's John A very attentive to Cousin M.K.H. (jealous) Went to Holyrood visited Queen Mary's Apartments, Old Chapel &ce. Mrs I & Annie Greig leaving previously. Walked back by way of Canongate Saw (Dr. As.) youth) parted at South Bridge. returned to Portobello.
Augt. 7th. went to Edinr by coach about 11 Met Ritchie at foot of Bridge walked with him to P.O. & back to