Jane Lathrop Stanford Papers

Pages That Mention Mrs Loomis

Correspondence (outgoing)

Untitled Page 18
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Untitled Page 18

as far as Montreal it would complete the cure. I like that City and go after a few days at my old home Albany N.Y. - returning to Washington in Jan. I expect if all goes well with me to be home the last of January. I will try and make up to you in my poor way the loss of your other dear friends Mrs Miss Kholl Mrs Loomis, Mrs M Hopkins I do not doubt by this time they are singing the praises of Cal climate and wishing they could drop in upon you for a visit. Dear May one day last week I made a visit to the old burying ground where lies your dear ones

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
Untitled Page 5
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Untitled Page 5

hold dear to my heart. A few days ago your welcome letter arrived and its contents gave me pleasure for I miss you and dear Tim, and it tells me you will return in Feb and you will remain through the summer. Dear Lydia will be glad to be at her lovely house in Menlo I can picture her joy over the Christmas Tree I reached home the day after Christmas, and felt more happy to get home than I did to go. It is a gloomy month so much rain and fog. But everything looks spring like at Menlo

and vegetation is very rank. I have spent two days there this week. I met young Mr. Felton at the depot he was chatty and expressed much pleasure that you would be back for the summer, he prized your friendship and your extreem [sic] kindness to Mrs Loomis. They are expecting Mrs. Elkins to come and make a visit, but if she does not come Mrs Loomis will go to her and visit. Jennie Flood made me a little visit yesterday they are still at Menlo and do not intend to come to the City this winter, both have had bad colds, and in a few

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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