Pages That Mention Memorial Home to the Memory of Father and Mother Stanford. Father and Mother Lathrop
Will, holograph copy of 1899 will (in Jane Stanford's handwriting), 1899
Untitled Page 4
years placed in a Catholic Orphan Asylum or Protestant if so desired by them. I desire the Home to be called ''Memorial Home to the Memory of Father and Mother Stanford. Father and Mother Lathrop" I also bequeath to such Roman Catholic Bishop for the maintainance of this Home and the benefit of the children under the care of the community of nuns so to be selected by him, land, bonds or gold coin, as my executors may deem most advisable, to the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) the interest and income therefrom only to be used. The fund to be called "The Stanford Memorial Fund" to be perpetuated forever in the future. I recommend that such fund of Fifty Thousand Dollars be intrusted to the Union Trust Company of San Francisco, in trust, to be by it kept in the most productive form, and the interest and revenues to be paid over to said Bishop for the purpose
[margin text]
Jane L. Stanford
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