Pages That Mention Kenneth Hyman
Z. Matthews' Diary
Friday May 21st 1846 Left home this morning for the purpose of joining the Army of Gen. Taylor on the Rio Grande. Went to F EngleKing's and Bat Hance. Stayed at Parson Kenneys got wet through by the rain. Saturday 23rd went to Travis expresly to meet Capt Railsy and others from the Brazoss but they failed in coming Started for Industry this evening and found Mr Hyman at Wood bound for the army Went to Mr [l?] and stayed all night with him Saturday 22
Sunday May 24th in company with Mr Hyman went to Industry but found no one bound west Stayed at Graysons Monday 25 Left this evening in com pany of Mr Grayson Hyman Leon and myself went to the School house at Mr Adrianco's and camp ed. Monday 25 Left camp and looked through the German Settlement on Cummins Creek beautiful settlement crops fine this settlement is beautifully A beautifull situation rolling black pararies interspersed with groves of timber. from here to the Colorado river is a high black jack and post oak gravely region and of no value whatever. Stopped in Columbus 2 hours and wrote a letter home. We learn that the flies are very bad from here to Victoria went 6 miles to skull creek and stopped on account of the flies having to [build?] fires to smoke them off [?] the evening went through the [Post oaks?] 8 miles thence 4 miles [?] and camped near Acorn [?] [Sunday?] 26 1846 [This?][morning?] at the Navidad we