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3 revisions
jy2023 at Jul 10, 2023 01:06 PM


Wednesday July 10 th “ 1822 Fresh breeses from S West and thick weather stear S West saw nothing at 8 AM tack ship to S S East saw 2 ships stearing to the Eastward Lat by obs – HO – 02 - - - - - Thursday July 11 th “ 1822 First part fresh Breeses at S W by West middle part Light airs and calm and fog Latter part fine winds and thick weather at 7 AM saw one sperm whale put of with 2 boats but could not see him again saw 3 sail at 12 PM the middle of flones heaving East 3 Leagues Lat – 39 – 39 - - - - - - Friday July 12 th “ 1822 All these 24 hours fresh breeses at West stear on the wind to N N West at 12 PM tack to S S West saw 2 brigs stearing down for the Land Lat by obs 39 “ 33 - - - - Saturday July 13 th “ 1822 First part fresh Breeses and pleasant at W S W middle part Light winds Latter part strong winds and [squaly?] at N N E stear East at [1?] PM spoke the Hellen Sayre Sag Harbor no whale Lat by obs 39 – 08 -

Wednesday July 10 th “ 1822
Fresh breeses from S West and thick weather
stear S West saw nothing at 8 AM tack ship
to S S East saw 2 ships stearing to the Eastward
Lat by obs – HO – 02 - - - - -

Thursday July 11 th “ 1822
First part fresh Breeses at S W by West middle part
Light airs and calm and fog Latter part fine winds
and thick weather at 7 AM saw one sperm whale
put of with 2 boats but could not see him again
saw 3 sail at 12 PM the middle of flones heaving
East 3 Leagues Lat – 39 – 39 - - - - - -

Friday July 12 th “ 1822
All these 24 hours fresh breeses at West stear
on the wind to N N West at 12 PM tack
to S S West saw 2 brigs stearing down for
the Land Lat by obs 39 “ 33 - - - -

Saturday July 13 th “ 1822
First part fresh Breeses and pleasant at W S W
middle part Light winds Latter part strong winds
and [squaly?] at N N E stear East at [1?] PM
spoke the Hellen Sayre Sag Harbor no whale
Lat by obs 39 – 08 -


Wednesday July 10 th “ 1822 Fresh breeses from S West and thick weather stear S West saw nothing at 8 AM tack ship to S S East saw 2 ships stearing to the Eastward Lat by ohs – HO – 02 - - - - - Thursday July 11 th “ 1822 First part fresh Breeses at S W by West middle part Light airs and calm and fog Latter part fine winds and thick weather at 7 AM saw one sperm whale put of with 2 boats but could not see him again saw 3 sail at 12 PM the middle of flones heaving East 3 Leagues Lat – 39 – 39 - - - - - - Friday July 12 th “ 1822 All these 24 hours fresh breeses at West stear on the wind to N N West at 12 PM tack to S S West saw 2 brigs stearing down for the Land Lat by ohs 39 “ 33 - - - - Saturday July 13 th “ 1822 First part fresh Breeses and pleasant at W S W middle part Light winds Latter part strong winds and [squaly?] at N N E stear East at [1?] PM spoke the Hellen Sayre Sag Harbor no whale Lat by ohs 39 – 08 -

Wednesday July 10 th “ 1822
Fresh breeses from S West and thick weather
stear S West saw nothing at 8 AM tack ship
to S S East saw 2 ships stearing to the Eastward
Lat by ohs – HO – 02 - - - - -

Thursday July 11 th “ 1822
First part fresh Breeses at S W by West middle part
Light airs and calm and fog Latter part fine winds
and thick weather at 7 AM saw one sperm whale
put of with 2 boats but could not see him again
saw 3 sail at 12 PM the middle of flones heaving
East 3 Leagues Lat – 39 – 39 - - - - - -

Friday July 12 th “ 1822
All these 24 hours fresh breeses at West stear
on the wind to N N West at 12 PM tack
to S S West saw 2 brigs stearing down for
the Land Lat by ohs 39 “ 33 - - - -

Saturday July 13 th “ 1822
First part fresh Breeses and pleasant at W S W
middle part Light winds Latter part strong winds
and [squaly?] at N N E stear East at [1?] PM
spoke the Hellen Sayre Sag Harbor no whale
Lat by ohs 39 – 08 -