Wednesday 9th January 1850 The day Began with light wind from South and pleasant weather Steer by the wind to the SW one Ship in Sight Standing to the Nward Latter part wind and weather the same Steer the Same way watch employed Sorting Potatoes and onions In Lat [LATITUDE] 10..11 Miles South Long [LONGITUDE] 22..13
Thursday 10th 1850 Began with plesant [PLEASANT] weather and light trades from SSW Ship under all sail head about SW by South Latter part had strong wind head SW by W saw three Ships two steering to the Nward and the other to the SW showing English Collers [COLORS] so ends In Lat [LATITUDE] 1..25 Long [LONGITUDE] 24..30
Friday 11th 1850 The day commenced with strong Trades and pleasant weather ship under all sail steering to the SW middle and Latter parts had nearly the same weather nothing remarkable occured [OCCURRED] Onboard the watch on deck variously Employed one Ship in sight steering the same way so goes Lat [LATITUDE] 2..40 Long [LONGITUDE]
Saturday 12th 1850 [VETICAL TEXT IN THE LEFT MARGIN: opend Beef and Pork] The day began with tolerable fair weather and light wind from SSE ship under all sail by the wind with the Larbord [LARBOARD] Tacks aboard Latter part had about the same weather nothing in sight but water variously Employed as required So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 4.05 South Long [LONGITUDE] 25..33 west
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