



Status: Complete

For Ordinary Beer this Bagge provided
for six or eight Gallons to hang in itt & to be
drunk after 12 dayes one Vessell under another
Take a pound Weight of Sea=Scurvye grass
being cleane pict lay itt a drying in the
shadow 3 or 4 dayes on a Table in a roome where
a fire is two ounces of China grossly powderd
one handfull of wheat Brann; halfe a handfull
of dryed Orange Pills, one spoonfull of prepared
Colliander seed; 3 ounces of choice Spanish liquorish
sliced; Bruise all these a little together in a
mortar with the Scurvy grass, and put them in
boulting bagge with a cleane stone to make them
sink, then putt itt in a vessell and power in
your wort where itt is ready to turne and at the
same time putt into your Liquor a pinte of
honey, soe sett the Vessell in a Coole Sellar and
broach itt in [5] or 6 dayes att the side as itt stands
neare the bottome & not in the end

Bloody Flux

Take a handfull of Cobwebbs, fry them in Oyle
and apply itt, as hott to the Navill, as possible may
be endured, then take this drink following. Viz
Take of Brazill an Ounce 4 pints of water
boyle itt till one pint be consumed, and let this
be their continuall drink this will help either
bloody flux, or any other Loosness

A Generall remedy for all

Take of Amber, of Sanguis Draconis of Lapis
humalitis of red Corrall, purslane seeda, plantane
seed pomgranett flowers & tormentell, of each
two ounces Cinamon one ounce Crocus Martis
one Ounce, powder them all very fine & mixe
them together
The Vertue
It helps bleeding at the Nose, itt helpeth
all fluxes of the womb of all sortes It perpfectlyfectly
remedieth the Terms of Women
The Dose is from one dramm to 2 dramms
in plantaine water for the bloody Flux
Alsoe apply this plaister to the wombe to
strengthen the retentive faculty of the Gutts

Take of Treacle of Torra Sigellata of each
one Ounce mixe them & apply them warme

The Termes Stopped

Take the Rootes of Asparagus, Polipody of the Oake
of each an ounce, sene an ounce & half, sweet
fennell seed a spoonfull, boile in a pinte & a halfe
of water, to the half, straine them & put to the Liquor
strained syrrup of roses 4 ounces manna one ounce
mingle them together & let her take hereof 10 or 12
spoonfulls, drinking broath one houre after

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