



Status: Complete



A Medicine For a sauerlin or red face
or pimpled with red spotts

Take a pottle of Running water and sett it one the fire and when it
seetheth put therein: as much of allum as will make it tast somewt
rough and when it is well boyled put it into an earthen vessell and
put therein as much mercury as shall turne a Yellow pinne white
holding it in the said water: but if it make the pinne looke blacke then put
more water till the pinne looke white: & when you haue put in the mercury
stirr it well soe long as the steeme thereof ariseth: and when it is cold
dipp a linnen cloth therein and wash the place affected therewith and
when the water is dryed up then anoynt the same place with this oyntment
Following viz

Take one ounce of synamon powder finely beaten and halfe an ounce of
liue brimston foure dramms of Camphire: well beaten: and if it doe not
punne well you may beate with it two blanched almonds: mingle all
these together with may butter well washed in fayre water and make
it up into an oyntment: and anoynt the face therewith: & if the patient doe
not amend: because the heate may proceed from inward cause: then lett
the patient with the other Receipt: drinke euery morninge fasting: for the
space of a month together: in the springe and fall: a draught of
distilled planterne Water:

Another medicine For the same

Take a Quarte of springe Water: put therein as much of the best
Roach allum as a doues egge and of the best white copperas as an
hasele nutt with a little handfull of Rue. and when it is a little
sodden put therein as much life hony as will make it sweete boyle
all these together & then streyne it into an earthen panne and
when it is cold: put it into a glasse for your use: and when you doe
use it poure out some of it into a porringer dish and dip a soft linnen
cloth therein & bathe your face therewith and when this water hath
Itch then use this Water Followinge~

Take a Quarte of new milke and make a possett therewith with a pinte
of butter milke: take offe the Curde and then take as much brimstone
as an hasell nutt: as much allum as a Wallnutt: as much copperas
as brimstone: punne them all small & putt them into the possett drinke
then streyne it into an earthen panne: and when it is cold putt it
into a glasse for your use: and use it after the same manner as the
former Water is prescribed

Another For the same

Take Castle soape boyle it fayre Running water uery stronge then bathe
the place affected therewith; with a linnen scarlet cloth beinge dipped therein
as hott as the patient can endure it

Another For the same

Take a pinte of creame and put therein an ounce of salt peter
with the Juice of 2 or 3 Lemonds: mingle them well together then take
an ounce of brimstone punned put into a little linnen cloth and
lett it lye continewally in the creame and when you would use it
bathe or wett the face with the cloth morninge & eueninge

against the inflemation of the liuer that causeth pimpells

Take Endiue dryed to powder & the meale of lupine seeds & mixeing
it with honey & the iuce of wormwood make a Cake thereof
& eat it & it will aswage the inflamartion of the liver
& take away the pimpells & reednes of the face which
procedeth from the same


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